

13th July

CULTURE is the flowering of both the individual and the nation. Our activities to promote culture can also be called a movement for peace – in that a renaissance of culture is proof of the fruition of happiness within the people.

BUDDHISM is so tremendously farsighted and profound a religion that externally, it is difficult to grasp its true message. People with little understanding of Buddhism can no more discern its value than a child can understand the real value of a diamond. However, please be confident that the development of human wisdom will produce an increasing body of evidence pointing to the greatness of Buddhism.

IT is important to persist with strong prayer, cherishing great hope and focusing on concrete goals. And it is vital to take action in accordance with those prayers.

YOU can think of your personal human revolution as undertaking kosen-rufu in the microcosm of your own small world. Many individuals pursuing their own human revolution can advance the kosen-rufu of society as a whole. In other words, kosen-rufu is advanced in direct proportion to the strides you make in your own human revolution.

I would ask you, as outstanding flag bearers of dialogue and communication for kosen-rufu, to do all you can to create and expand circles of friendship by sincerely reaching out and talking with others. What tremendous progress we can achieve with just our voice or a single word!

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.