

1st July

IF we take action, we are certain to meet with obstacles. When we overcome them with renewed passion for kosen-rufu, we are able to develop our faith.

SOCIETY is a place of confusion, full of contradictions and collisions of egos. It is precisely in these muddy waters of earthly desires that the state of Buddhahood, in other words, the great flower of absolute happiness, fragrantly blooms forth.

PEOPLE who have powerful life force are happy. People who have strong conviction are happy. They have the ability to take control of their lives, to open up their own paths before them. Weak people, in contrast, are miserable. They bring misery and unhappiness upon themselves. Faith in the Daishonin’s Buddhism enables us to become as strong as we can.

ONLY those who are determined to give their all, to try their very best and make effort upon effort, sparkle with true individuality. Such people can also respect and appreciate others’ individuality. They never try to sabotage other people’s success or pick on people because they are different.

NOW is the time for youth to stand up. It is the Century of Soka Youth. If you are going to try to achieve something, then strive to be the best. Please create a great record of accomplishment that will win the applause and praise of others. Be a presence that inspires reassurance, confidence, a person whose dedicated efforts deeply moved others.

NOTE: New! Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.