

26th July

LIFE is not easy for anyone. One may be exposed to violent storms or be shakened by a high tide of obstacles. This is especially so for us, who are striving to accomplish the unprecedented task of kosen-rufu. Therefore, you should never be swept away by any hardship or retreat in the face of any crisis.

IN Buddhism, practice is faith. That means action is faith, and without action there can be no faith. The action I speak of is the Way of practice for oneself and for others that is taught in Nichiren Daishonin’s writings.

WHEN people are ignorant, they cannot open up their own life nor gain the respect of others. To overcome ignorance, one must study and learn. Intellect is important. A person who has intellect possesses stability and endurance. People who are swayed between one extreme and another, people who are governed by their emotions, do not persist in or continue anything for long.

IT is important to always “start from now”, to have plans and aspirations, and it is a particularly crucial factor in making the last years of one’s life rewarding and fulfilling ones.

WE live in an evil world defiled by the five impurities. While reminding one another to be careful and while watching out for each other, let us continue advancing based on the principles that faith means not causing accidents and that suffering no accidents is itself victory.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.