

27th July

WHAT is vital above all is passion, perseverance, earnest prayer, and the spirit of unity to work together with a diverse group of people based on a shared sense of purpose.

ONE important thing we gain from the study of history is a larger, broader point of view. If we are always looking at the ground when we walk down the street, we are quite likely to get lost. But by looking up and choosing something big to orient ourselves by, we can make sure we are heading in the right direction.

THE path in faith in the Mystic Law is the supreme path of conviction. Therefore, if one is going to stop halfway, then one may as well not bother starting to begin with. Only by advancing forward, ever forward, without giving in, can one attain eternal happiness.

ACTION is the source of blessings and merits. In propagating the teachings, for example, whether the person you are presenting the teachings to arouse faith is his problem. The effects of our action of propagating will vary, depending on the person’s capacities and other conditions. There is no need to rejoice or lament over each effect. One who has acted for the sake of kosen-rufu is already a great victor in life.

TO be praised by Nichiren Daishonin is the greatest honour and cause for happiness. Being praised by the foolish is the least respectable thing. The question of whether or not you deserve Nichiren Daishonin’s praise relates to the essence of your faith.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.