

11th August

NICHIREN DAISHONIN said, “The protection of the gods depends on one’s faith.” (WND, p953) If we let down our guards, then even the Buddhist gods will desert us. Carelessness is a great enemy. We must avoid carelessness at all cost.

WHEN we look after and care for others – that is, help others draw forth the strength to live – our own strength to live increases. When we help people expand their state of life, our lives also expand. This is the marvel of the Boddhisattva path; actions to benefit others cannot be separated from action to benefit one.

THERE is a saying, “The spring lies right under your feet.” In other words, wherever you find yourself, that is the place where you, in your own way, must fight and blaze new trails. Wherever you go, wherever we are – that is the very place where the Land of Eternally Tranquil Light, inherent and unchanging in our lives, exists. Those who fight resolutely and triumph wherever they go are true Buddhists.

PROPAGATION is the act of the Buddha’s envoys. He should treasure and most highly respect those who carry out this noble and benevolent practice.

NO matter what bitter or painful thing may happen, bear it and overcome through daimoku. As you do so, a life marked by the virtues of eternity (jo), happiness (raku), true self (ga) and purity (jo) will unfold. This is, moreover, the path of attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.