

12th August

THE most sublime, eternal human drama is found in the dynamic transmission of correct faith, philosophy and belief from parent to child, from senior to junior, from mentor to disciple.

AT the crucial moment, it is the ordinary people who are the strongest. It is the thoroughly polished core humanity of the ordinary people that shines the most brightly. It is faith in the Mystic Law that enables us to bring out the core brilliance of this essential human core.

ONLY human beings form relations of mentor and disciple. This is proof of our humanity. It is also the way that leads to self-development. And the epitome of the mentor-disciple relationship is found in Buddhism.

LIFE is like a marathon, as is faith. Though you may lose the lead in the midst of the race, victory or defeat is decided at the finish line. Your training during your youth is for the purpose of enabling you to win ultimate and true victory. Therefore, now is the time when you must study as much as you can, and must chant abundant daimoku so that you can greatly increase your life force.

LET’S take pains to raise each of our members to be individuals of great faith, without a single exception.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.