

21st October

ALL sorts of things happen on the road to achieving kosen-rufu. Fellow members may pass away, having fulfilled their mission in this lifetime. It is only natural for us, as human beings, to be saddened by this. However, we must not allow ourselves to be so overwhelmed by our emotions that we become weak. The important thing is to continue moving forward with the determination: “Whatever happens, I will keep going! I will challenge myself! And I will win!”

ALTHOUGH victory is important, it is more important for one to construct a self which will not be defeated under any circumstances. The Buddha is called Nonin, one who can endure. Thus, young people must bear in mind the need to painstakingly build a foundation of endurance in the depths of their lives.

A person who can find enjoyment under any circumstances is indeed a happy person. Our Buddhist practice functions to allow us to do just that.

A fresh, invigorating spirit is the engine that drives our Buddhist practice. If we lose that spirit, we will cease to move forward; if we grow conceited and think we know it all, our lives will become polluted and stagnant. Even when studying the Buddhist teachings, we must persevere the lively spirit of questioning that constantly asks, “Why?”

IT is natural for prayers to centre on your own desires and dreams. There is no need to pretend that you are praying for something really lofty when you are not. You are only fooling yourself if you do. By chanting very naturally, without affectation or reservation for what you seek most of all, you will gradually come to develop a higher and more expansive life-condition.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, Persecution by Sword and Staff.