

13th November

BUDDHIST practice means never coming to a standstill. We have to cultivate a self that absolutely no negative influence can sway. What matters is winning in the end; the wins and losses along the way are of secondary significance. It is final victory in life that counts, and that is the reason for our Buddhist practice.

LOOKING to others will not help. True happiness and victory are found in creating our own goals, working towards them and attaining them - and in being satisfied with our achievements and having no regrets.

TO people who acts lawlessly, ignoring reason, those who uphold principles seem to be wrong. Such a person is like someone who tilts his/her head sideways to look at the world and then decides everything but himself/herself is crooked.

WE are all common mortals. Therefore, we may sometimes lose sight of the correct way to eternal happiness. However, you should never make any mistake about following the fundamental principle of Nichiren Daishonin's true Buddhism and carrying out the basis of faith, practice and study towards the accomplishment of kosen-rufu.

IT is vital to continually breathe fresh air and inject fresh energy into our organisation, which is dedicated to widely propagating the teachings of Buddhism. Each of our members has a profound mission for kosen-rufu. How can we enable them to bring forth their true potential? How can we best advance kosen-rufu in a way that protects everyone and bring them joy? It is the responsibility of the leaders to concentrate their energies on these points and work hard behind the scenes to support their fellow members.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.