

14th November

WHEN you base yourself upon the unchanging prime point of faith directed towards kosen-rufu, all of your troubles and efforts will turn into boundless joy, and you will establish a magnificent state of life as the original state of Buddhahood begins to pulsate within you. Therefore, although you may meet various difficulties, you must never give up your faith.

IN any battle, the enemy always look strong if you are cowardly. In most cases, it is not that the enemy is mighty and the struggle daunting, but it seems so that way because you are weak hearted. On the other hand, you must not be overconfident either. The first step towards victory is to wisely comprehend the true nature of your enemy.

THE Daishonin stresses the importance of behaviour, of taking action. Therefore, rather than sitting around alone, doing nothing, we must endeavour to reach out to others. That is how we polish and refine our characters. This is the practice of a Buddhist.

PROPAGATION must always take place in the context of deepening friendship and earning the trust of others. Today we live in an age where there are superficial discussions, but lacking in true dialogue. Propagating Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, however, is a true dialogue; a stimulating sharing, based on consideration and concern for our friends, as we invite them to walk with us on the path of true and complete happiness.

Naturally, there may be times when, due to work commitments, members will be unable to participate in SGI activities. Those who are self-employed also faced incredible hardships. As fellow members, we should be understanding of what these individuals are going through. To rally around a struggling member, supporting them with our prayers, our encouragement and our warm acceptance – this is the harmonious realm of humanity of the SGI.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.