

15th November

PROBLEMS come in all shapes and sizes. With daimoku, you can turn all these worries and concerns into fuel to propel you forward - you can transform them into life force, into greater depth of character, and into good fortune.

NICHIREN DAISHONIN wrote, "An inconspicuous deed will produce a conspicuous benefit." (MW 2, p. 274) When you exert yourself for the Law, for others, for your friends, all your effort will return to you as benefit. In the world of kosen-rufu, the person who does even the smallest, most inconspicuous thing with utmost sincerity and energy will always be adorned with the greatest happiness. This is the teaching of Buddhism and the essence of faith.

LIFE is a drama. Since we are going to perform on the stage of life anyway, we ought to live vigorously and joyfully, and enact an inspiring drama of successive victories. We have to win in life. We have to win in society. We have to win a resounding victory for kosen-rufu.

EVERYTHING is part of the world of the Buddhist Law. The manifestations of the Law of the Buddha are not limited or restricted in any way. The Buddhist Law is to be found in every aspect and detail of human society. The activities of the SGI, based on Buddhism, to promote culture, peace and education are based on this spirit.

STUDY and discussion meetings are the two greatest pillars of Soka Gakkai. President Toda stated that “understanding gives rise to faith and faith seeks understanding, which in turn, deepens faith. Deepening one’s faith deepens one’s understanding”. Please reflect once again on the pure spirit of practice carried out by the pioneers of our movement who studied the Gosho and deepened their faith as they fought for kosen-rufu.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.