

27th November

WHEN the seeds of Buddhahood are firmly rooted, they will naturally grow into a great tree of blessing and virtue, and produce the flowers and fruit of good fortune. In this way, I hope you will lead a life in which all desires are fulfilled. No matter what may happen, you must never cut the roots of your faith.

THE means to change hardship into happiness; suffering into growth; obstacles into development; and confusion into progress lies in our heart, in our single-minded determination. This is the essence of faith. Encountering a few difficulties is nothing at all to those who have solidly constructed their "inner kingdom".

CHALLENGE all difficulties with determination and composure. Those who persevere with unflagging passion and enthusiasm always win in the end. In contrast, those who give up and stop trying out of fear only wind up unhappy.

SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA exists in the lives of all those who are struggling for kosen-rufu. The power of the Bodhisattvas Universal Worthy and Medicine King – these are all contained in our lives. Therefore, wisdom cannot fail to well forth. We cannot possibly be defeated by the devil of illness. We are naturally able to manifest great life force.

THE bond of master and disciple is the prime point of life. It is not schooling that determines a person’s wisdom. In any age, in any world, the person who bases his or her life upon the master-disciple relationship is the one who will live life most wisely.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.