

28th November

NICHIREN DAISHONIN stated in the Gosho, "Neither the pure land and hell exists outside ourselves; both lie within our own hearts." (MW2, p 239) Everything depends upon one's inner life, or ichinen. Therefore, what is important is one's heart. No matter how unfavourable the situation, it can be transformed into "the pure land" if you courageously address the problem by deciding that it is your Buddhist practice to develop yourself.

YOU must always maintain a seeking spirit. "Seeking the way" in Buddhism is an attitude that leads to profound happiness. Remember that a spirit to always seek the Law for the sake of your daily self-improvement is actual proof of your faith itself.

FAITH is the greatest of all treasures. Passing on correct faith to your children is the surest way for both parent and child and for the entire family as well, to walk the path of eternal happiness.

THE sun burns its own mass as fuel in order to illuminate the cosmic darkness, bring its light to the moon and the planets. Similarly, the courage of one individual who possesses a sprit that burns like the sun will touch and inspire countless others. This is the unchanging formula for achieving the spread of the Law, the most difficult of all undertakings.

TO encounter persecution because of one’s faith is in fact a wonderful thing. It is precisely one struggles to overcome hardships that one is able to create integrity. In an environment that is monotonous and placid, stagnancy and degeneration may overtake vivacity. It is because there are storms of great struggles that the blue sky of existence opens up and fresh vigour wells forth in one’s life.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.