

29th November

THOSE who can always resolve, "I will make a new departure!", "I will construct something new!" will be victorious in the end. By contrast, those who think, "I have done enough already," are leading the lives of defeat.

ALL of our prayers and activities for kosen-rufu become good fortune and virtue that adorn our lives. And our life itself embodies the true entity of the Mystic Law. We are able to help many people form connections with Buddhism only to the extent that we take action and speak out.

IN Buddhism, zenchishiki, or good friends, are essential. You cannot seek the Way if you make mistakes in choosing who to follow. Only when you follow the proper leaders of kosen-rufu can you make great strides in developing yourself.

WHEN we fundamentally change our own lives through the great good of the Mystic Law and enable others to do the same, then even acts of medium and minor good will all come to have significant effect and value.

AS we advance towards kosen-rufu, the three obstacles and four devils (sansho shima) will definitely appear. Therefore, we must always be deeply determined to overcome any obstacle or hindrance to our accomplishing kosen-rufu and attaining Buddhahood.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.