

27th December

WHAT is important? It is faith. Do not be swayed by the fickle winds of public opinion, for that only leads to a life of defeat. The benevolent forces of the universe will protect those who strive earnestly in faith. Such individual will triumph in the end.

THOSE who work for the sake of kosen-rufu with a pure, earnest and whole-hearted commitment, even if they may go unrecognised by the world, will truly savour immense happiness in the final chapter of their life and be able to make a majestic departure towards their next existence.

WHAT matters most is the heart. Everything depends on whether our hearts blaze with a passionate, fighting spirit irrespective of our situation. Those who maintain such an undaunted spirit no matter what happens are victors in life.

AUDACITY is the privilege of youth; it is the spirit of a pioneer. Youth must not be cowardly; a fainthearted and nervous youth cannot accomplish anything great. Of your own accord, you should continually seek out ever greater challenges and difficulties to overcome. To have this spirit is what it means to be a youth.

IT is important to ascend the slope of life day by day with sound faith and a stable daily life. Do not fall under the illusion that carrying out immoderate activities beyond your capacity is an expression of faith.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.