

28th December

WHEN you encounter a problem, first and foremost, pray to the Gohonzon. No matter what happens in life, keep forging ahead with daimoku as your basis. Those who have this spirit will surely emerge victorious. All hardships will be transformed into treasured memories. Such individuals can continue advancing with composure along the orbit of indestructible happiness.

WE should not be swayed by victory or defeat in fleeting, momentary struggles. What counts is being victorious in the realm of the eternal as a result of our unceasing commitment to fight to the very end for our beliefs as practitioners of the Daishonin's Buddhism and as human beings. The achievements of such eternal victors will shine undimmed into future generations.

MANY things happen in life. If all is smooth sailing, we cannot grow and develop as human beings. Experiencing problems and sufferings gives us an opportunity to become strong. It is by overcoming life's storms based on a solid practice of faith that we can attain the unsurpassed life-state of Buddhahood.

A pure and vibrant organisation can effectively block those who would destroy it. No one with evil intentions can gain a foothold there. I hope this tradition of pure faith will remain forever.

WE must never be off our guard, and so allow devils the least chance to take advantage. The higher a person’s position, the greater the attack will be from the devils. Therefore, no matter how high someone’s position may be, if the person ceases to struggle in faith and for kosen-rufu, he or she will quickly be overcome by devils.

THE most fundamental issue of all of us have to grapple with is death. Not even the greatest or smartest person on earth can solve the suffering of death inherent in the human condition. Only a correct practice of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism enables us to surmount the fundamental suffering of death and apprehend the eternity of life.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.