

31st July

THE benefits that are obtained through struggling for kosen-rufu are enormous. Worldly happiness is fleeting. However, the good fortune one acquires by taking action for the sake of Buddhism is eternal. I hope you will all advance with deep pride and confidence.

WHEN one gazes into the chasm between life and death, status, fame and wealth count for absolutely nothing. All that remains is one’s bare self stripped of all external adornment. Only through Buddhism can we arrange our lives on this essential level.

BECAUSE we have decided to embrace faith in the Daishonin’s Buddhism, we must always move forward. And if we are going to move forward, it is much more enjoyable if we do so with pride and confidence. It is better to live with firm determination than to spend one’s life filled with fear and insecurity.

BIRDS, for example, have their own language, their own speech. People do not understand it, but other birds do. In the same way, the language of gongyo and chanting daimoku reaches the Gohonzon and the realism of the Buddhas and bodhisattvas of the three existences and the ten directions. We might call it the language of the realms of the Buddhas and bodhisattvas. That is why the voice of gongyo and daimoku are directed to the Gohonzon, whether we understand it or not, reaches all the Buddhas, bodhisattvas and heavenly deities.

BE a man of right, never of might.
Be a leader of the people, never the tool of authority.
Be the friend of the masses, never the slave of wealth.
Be a wise man of good, never a cunning evil one.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


30th July

HOW important it is to help our children inherit faith! When children embrace faith we can be assured of having prayers offered to us after we have died. Moreover, when children and parents practise correct faith together, they can be born together in lifetime after lifetime, and together enjoy an unsurpassed state of being. This is what Nichiren Daishonin taught.

IN life, having a master is a source of happiness and great joy. The deep relationship between master and disciple is no readily understandable to others. Although unnoticed, when you pursue and proudly carry on in the way of master and disciple which you have chosen, beauty and nobleness will radiate from the depths of your life.

LIFE will be enjoyable. And death will be peaceful, a glorious journey to the next enjoyable life. When winter arrives, the trees and other plants temporarily lose their leaves. But those plants possess the life to send forth new green shoots when spring comes. Human death is like that, but we potentially possess a life force that leads us to a new life – to a new mission – immediately and without pain.

IT is only to the extent that people pray and exert themselves for others that they can create golden histories in their own lives. This is the law of cause and effect. Once you understand this, you will realize that complaining is meaningless. You will also refuse to be affected by what others who make no effort might say.

THE purpose of faith is to realize a state of eternal happiness. This existence is as fleeting as a dream. We practice faith in order to awaken from this dream and firmly establish a state of eternal happiness in the depths of our lives during this lifetime. That is what it means to “attain Buddhahood in this lifetime”.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


29th July

THE daimoku chanted by those who exert themselves bravely and vigorously for the cause of kosen-rufu – even if only just one daimoku – has more benefit and power than 1,000 or 10,000 chanted without any goal or accompanying action. Having faith that is dedicated to kosen-rufu is what counts.

HOPE exists even in the midst of adversity. In fact, when you undergo the ordeals of adversity will your hope is truly fortified. Hope without ordeal is often nothing more than fleeting, idealistic dreams.

IT is natural that sometimes we fall sick. But we must see that sickness is sickness that originally exists in life, based on the principle of the Mystic Law. In other words, there is no reason to allow yourself to be controlled by illness, for it to fill your life with suffering and distress. From the standpoint of eternal life through the three existences, your fundamentally happy self is incontrovertibly established.

THE formula for victory lies in making steady and careful efforts to reach one goal after another, winning people over to your side and uniting their efforts through your wisdom and enthusiasm. This is exactly what you are doing in each day of your activity.

POSITIVE stimuli contribute to the positive development of your individuality. While shaped by such things as education, family environment and your own efforts, your individuality and development ultimately depend on your own consciousness. It is important to read good books and have good friends.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


28th July

THE essence of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism is to chant daimoku encompassing practice both for oneself and others, and lead all humanity to peace and happiness in the Latter Day of the Law and for all eternity. This means chanting with the spirit to help people become happy and advancing with faith that is directed towards realising kosen-rufu in actual society.

AN organisation dedicated to good enhances people’s capacity to work for good and promotes unlimited growth and self-improvement. It does not hinder people’s progress or lead them astray. It supports people’s self improvement, putting them on a sure course to happiness and personal growth. And it is for this purpose that our organisation exists.

THE spirit to be concerned about the welfare of one’s friends is the spirit of the bodhisattva. Our dedicated actions for the sake of others are all transformed into our own treasures. When we make an ongoing commitment to work for the sake of others, we are able to lead fulfilled lives and expand our state of life.

WHEN we worship the Gohonzon, the eternal life of time without beginning wells up within us. For one who believes in the Gohonzon, every day, every instant begins from time without beginning. We are always setting out, full of hope, from today to the future, from this moment to eternal happiness. We are always young, always beginning.

ONE’S faith can be said to be perfect only when it is supported with sincere abundant daimoku and courageous action for others and kosen-rufu. In this sense I want you to be deeply convinced that your day-and-night efforts in activities for the happiness of others are exactly in tune with the supreme and universal principle of Buddhism.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


27th July

WHAT is vital above all is passion, perseverance, earnest prayer, and the spirit of unity to work together with a diverse group of people based on a shared sense of purpose.

ONE important thing we gain from the study of history is a larger, broader point of view. If we are always looking at the ground when we walk down the street, we are quite likely to get lost. But by looking up and choosing something big to orient ourselves by, we can make sure we are heading in the right direction.

THE path in faith in the Mystic Law is the supreme path of conviction. Therefore, if one is going to stop halfway, then one may as well not bother starting to begin with. Only by advancing forward, ever forward, without giving in, can one attain eternal happiness.

ACTION is the source of blessings and merits. In propagating the teachings, for example, whether the person you are presenting the teachings to arouse faith is his problem. The effects of our action of propagating will vary, depending on the person’s capacities and other conditions. There is no need to rejoice or lament over each effect. One who has acted for the sake of kosen-rufu is already a great victor in life.

TO be praised by Nichiren Daishonin is the greatest honour and cause for happiness. Being praised by the foolish is the least respectable thing. The question of whether or not you deserve Nichiren Daishonin’s praise relates to the essence of your faith.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


26th July

LIFE is not easy for anyone. One may be exposed to violent storms or be shakened by a high tide of obstacles. This is especially so for us, who are striving to accomplish the unprecedented task of kosen-rufu. Therefore, you should never be swept away by any hardship or retreat in the face of any crisis.

IN Buddhism, practice is faith. That means action is faith, and without action there can be no faith. The action I speak of is the Way of practice for oneself and for others that is taught in Nichiren Daishonin’s writings.

WHEN people are ignorant, they cannot open up their own life nor gain the respect of others. To overcome ignorance, one must study and learn. Intellect is important. A person who has intellect possesses stability and endurance. People who are swayed between one extreme and another, people who are governed by their emotions, do not persist in or continue anything for long.

IT is important to always “start from now”, to have plans and aspirations, and it is a particularly crucial factor in making the last years of one’s life rewarding and fulfilling ones.

WE live in an evil world defiled by the five impurities. While reminding one another to be careful and while watching out for each other, let us continue advancing based on the principles that faith means not causing accidents and that suffering no accidents is itself victory.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


25th July

IN the world of faith, having a sincere and faithful mind enable you to keep yourself in tune with the rhythm of the Mystic Law; then you will quickly receive benefit and your good fortune will increase.

IT is only natural that the energy you acquire through the practice of gongyo for yourself will be channeled back into your activities for others, for kosen-rufu. The fact is that the practice of gongyo and your actions in service of kosen-rufu will become one, and together they will unlock the infinite power of the Mystic Law for your life.

AN earnest struggle, just like a river crashing loudly over rocks, will inevitably encounter obstacle and devilish functions. If you keep pressing forward, not allowing yourself to be defeated in your struggle, you will surge forward with increased impetus and achieve great results – just as a river flows with increasing momentum each time it crashes against rocks, racing on with great vigour.

THE determination to accomplish kosen-rufu gives momentum to the determination to accomplish one’s human revolution. Human revolution is like a planet’s rotation on its axis, while kosen-rufu is like the planet’s revolution around the sun. Rotation and revolution are the foundation of all motion in the universe. It would run counter to the laws of the universe if a planet did not revolve around the sun.

PLEASE read the Gosho each day, even if only a single paragraph or sentence. Mr Josei Toda used to say, “When you are tired, that is when you should study the Gosho.” The Gosho blazes with the brilliant life of Nichiren Daishonin. When we expose ourselves to the Gosho, our life changes and wisdom, courage and confidence well forth.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


24th July

WHAT is the key to realizing victory in an age of great upheaval and tumultuous change? It is for leaders to move, to stand in the forefront and to take initiative. I hope that you will make steady efforts to meet with many people and create allies. Keeping yourself informed, please take full responsibility and always be the first to act.

THE spirit of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth is found in the faith to dedicate oneself whole-heartedly to kosen-rufu. If people lose this spirit, then no matter how splendid their appearances are, their hearts will be tainted by worldly affairs and concerns.

THE struggle to cut the roots of evil is actually a struggle to sever the roots of evil and unhappiness that exist within our own lives. If we compromise with evil, leaving some roots behind, it will eventually flourish and grow again. Roots of unhappiness will also remain in our own lives and we will suffer.

TO attain Buddhahood in this life, the Daishonin warned us with firm concern that we must never retreat in our practice. Even though we may experience a period of sadness or depression, the principle that earthly desires are enlightenment teaches us that great sufferings are bound to be transformed into equally great joy, progress and value. There is nothing to fear, since the Gohonzon possesses the infinite power of the Law and the Buddha.

TIME is given to everyone. Therefore, being able to build a life of glory, victory and happiness depends on whether you spend your time meaningfully and free of regret.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


23rd July

THE SGI exists widely to propagate the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. In the course of this struggle, there will naturally be times when we are faced with extreme hardships and difficulties. The Daishonin was fiercely attacked by people throughout Japan. Nevertheless, he dauntless took action to open a great and eternal path of hope for all humankind. We are carrying on the Daishonin’s great legacy.

COWARDICE is harmful, for it delights the enemies of Buddhism and obstructs the advance of kosen-rufu. The fainthearted cannot savour the true benefit of faith; their ability to tap the power of the Buddha and the power of the Law (of the Gohonzon) in their lives is enfeebled.

TO treasure the children of the Buddha who are devoted to kosen-rufu is to treasure and strengthen one’s own Buddhahood. The more one praises those who are diligently exerting themselves, the more good fortune, the more momentum, is added to one’s own life and to the organization.

IF we do not practice gongyo, the rhythm in our lives will be thrown off kilter, just as a machine that is not oiled will rust. Gongyo and chanting daimoku are like starting the automobile engine every day and driving in the direction of happiness and truth. By doing so day after day, you will gradually attain perfect unity with the universe and the Law. That state is the state of Buddha.

FAITH itself is invisible. However, faith is bound to manifest in a tangible form as words and deeds, thereby greatly affecting the environment. At the same time, no matter what circumstances you face, you either win or lose. As a Buddhist, you must win each struggle in which you are engaged. And faith in the Gohonzon enables you to do so.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


22nd July

SURELY, many obstacles will arise in the course of our Buddhist practice. They occur because of our efforts to propagate the True Law. Many difficulties that stand in our way actually serve to test whether or not our faith is strong enough to enable us to reach enlightenment in this lifetime.

GONGYO is a practice which calls forth and cultivates the infinite power that the microcosm inherently possesses. It transforms your fate, break through any apparent dead ends and converts sufferings into happiness. It creates a transformation, a resolution of the microcosm. It is a diagram in miniature of kosen-rufu in our lives.

ULTIMATELY, when we live in accord with the great eternal Law, everything in our life becomes a source of happiness. Without this firm basis, any happiness, no matter how wonderful it may appear, is but transitory and fleeting.

OUR personality does not determine our happiness or unhappiness; rather it is the substance of how we have lived our lives that decides. The purpose of Buddhism and education as well as of all our efforts towards self-improvement and growth is to enhance that substance. This is what life is all about.

HUMAN society is a struggle between good and evil. The evil are easily united by shared self-interest. That is why it is so important for good people to unite and form alliances and networks to counter and combat those negative forces. Let me share these words of President Makiguchi with you: “If good people allow evil people to do as they please, though they may regard themselves high above such people, they have in effect already capitulated to evil.”

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


21st July

UNLESS one’s faith is pure to the core, he will not be able to cultivate the strong life-force needed to battle with unrelenting devilish functions. This is the most important and crucial point for your development. Please remember it always.

NICHIREN DAISHONIN’S Buddhism teaches that our existence is identical to the universe as a whole, and the universe as a whole is identical to our existence. Each individual human life is a microcosm. The practice of gongyo is a grand and noble life to achieve the vital communication of the microcosm of each person’s existence with the universe, based on the Gohonzon.

THE greater the hardships one undergoes, the greater potential that exists for one to grow. The deeper one’s sufferings are, the more profound will be the joy one experiences when one triumphs over it. Difficulties lead to enlightenment, great obstacles lead to Buddhahood.

READING good books cultivates and nourishes one’s life. A good classic never grows old, it is always refreshing and new. Its message will be just as valid in the new century. Encountering such a work is truly a lifelong treasure.

THE 21st century will be a century of the universe and a century of life. It will also be a century of philosophy, in which the philosophy one upholds and practices will be brought sharply into focus. I hope that you, who embrace a great philosophy that encompasses all life and the universe, will never forget to be confident and proud that you are advancing at the forefront of this new century.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


20th July

THE trust, respect and appreciation that bind fellow members together serve to amplify the spiritual strength of each individual. Unity is strength. In our movement for kosen-rufu, advancing in the unity of “many in body, one in mind” is key.

THE purpose of our lives, to the very last moment, is to achieve something of value. There is no life more noble than that of individuals who dedicate themselves to something they believed in and strive for it wholeheartedly, individuals who give their lives selflessly to their beliefs.

AN absence of suffering does not equal happiness. Happiness depends on developing the state of mind where one is able to transform all sufferings into joy. This rigourous struggle in turn gives rise to immense satisfaction and value.

YOU who have embraced this great Law are millionaires rich in life force and who possess good fortune surpassing the wealth of even the world’s richest people. Material possessions cannot be enjoyed after death. But, “millionaires rich in life force” are able to freely make use of the treasures of the universe in lifetime after lifetime and enjoy a journey of eternal happiness. That is what constitutes proof of victory in life.

PEOPLE have different missions to fulfill and different places where they must live to fulfill them. The person who decides to establish himself firmly in his community and who continues to advance with perseverance and hope while struggling with reality will be a victor in life. Through faith, you can transform the land where you live into a land of victory and happiness.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


19th July

HAPPINESS is determined by our state of life and by the depth of the philosophy we live by. To be happy requires strength; weakness leads to unhappiness. I especially hope that the members of the Young Women Division will become women of indomitable spirit and inner strength.

WHILE in your teens, your scope of experience is still quite limited and you may not yet have found which area your talent will be best suited to. It is easy to fall into the trap thinking that nothing could be more desirable than love. But there is more to life than love. Particularly in the case of women, I feel, real happiness is determined after they enter their forties and onwards.

IN order to develop our wisdom, it is vital that you summon forth strong faith. Even though sometimes the results of prayers based on strong faith may not be immediately apparent, as time goes by they will definitely bring forth a rhythm of victory. Infinite wisdom opens the path to infinite victory – this is the essence of faith.

NICHIREN DAISHONIN taught the principle that “embracing the Gohonzon is in itself enlightenment”. Thus, by believing in and embracing the Gohonzon, which embodies the state of Buddhahood and the mutual possession of the Ten Worlds, one can observe, and manifest, the world of Buddhahood existing in his own life.

ARROGANCE is fearful. Human beings are often brought to ruin by pride and impatience. They are self-complacent and unable to win the trust of those around them.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


18th July

HOPE cannot exist without effort. One who spares no effort will without fail be able to open the way to a glorious future.

NO matter what happens, please continue to chant daimoku – in both good times and bad times, irrespective of your joys and sorrows, happiness and suffering. Then you will be able to seize victory in your daily life, in your lifetime and in your society.

IT is wisdom that moves the hearts of others. Victory is not determined by those around you or things and events in your environment. The most important thing is to cultivate and use your wisdom. Everything depends on wisdom.

IN life, the “season” of youth comes but once. What seeds are you planting in your life during this precious period? What are you engraving? What are you devoting your youthful passion towards? All of these things will have a critical impact on your whole future.

HOW can we bring forth actual proof? That is our challenge. Faith in the Mystic Law absolutely assures us of victory and prosperity in this life and throughout all eternity.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


17th July

TO believe in the Mystic law is to have utmost faith in you. It is to believe in the Buddha nature of all living beings; that is to regard all people with impartiality. It also means to believe in the absolute law of cause and effect. Carrying through with this attitude in faith enables you to develop a great character.

BUDDHISM reveals the ultimate Law of the universe and the ultimate principle for achieving happiness. Taking faith in Buddhism plants the seed of true happiness in our lives. There, we must not uproot and throw away, scorch, or otherwise spoil this seed of happiness as a result of harbouring hatred and jealousy against fellow believers and eventually discarding our faith.

AGE is irrelevant to faith. The person with faith is always youthful, always improving, better tomorrow than today, and better still the day after. That is the purpose of your training and self-discipline. For it is in your struggle with yourself that you improve yourself and find happiness.

ONE must live with dignity. Character is the foundation of human rights. It is far more valuable than money. No true peace can be achieved as long as we seek only material wealth.

IT is the spirit of Youth Division members to protect their mentor and stand up to take full responsibility for kosen-rufu. Mr Toda was a towering leader of kosen-rufu. My mind was solely filled with thoughts of how to protect him, how to go about realizing his vision, and how to communicate his greatness to people around the world.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


16th July

WHEN we ask ourselves what are the most crucial issues facing humankind in the 21st century, it is clear that a central challenge will be to establish on a global scale a robust philosophy of reverence for life, a philosophy that is consistently and clearly focused on the human being. This is the only certain mean of breaking free of the chain of spirals of killing, slaughter and hatred that bind us. Only in this way can we create a world lit by the inherent dignity of all people, a world in which all people may equally savour the fruits of happiness and peace.

TRUE joy is to be found in working for kosen-rufu, in practicing and taking action for the happiness of oneself and others. The greatest joy in life is to be found in SGI activities. Our activities for kosen-rufu become memories that shine ever more brilliantly in our lives as tie goes by.

IT is through our tenacious efforts that we are able to develop our true ability. And it is the power of faith that enables us to continually maintain such efforts. Moreover, faith enables us to cultivate the life force and good fortune needed to manifest our true ability to the fullest. Without both innate ability and tenacious efforts, one can accomplish little.

I also place high value on personal initiative. Spontaneity underlies the spirit of autonomy and independence; conversely, taking action because one is told to amounts to slavery to the spirit. Kosen-rufu will be advanced by brave people armed with the spirit of independence who voluntarily strive to fulfill the vow they make at the time of kuon ganjo.

THOSE who, on all occasions, sincerely endeavour to learn are free of arrogance and desire for fame. They are people of wisdom who can stride with confidence on the great path of justice.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


15th July

YOUTH who lose their courage can no longer be called youth. Youth are the ultimate champions of courage and peace. To be young is to be a noble champion who possesses boundless treasure and hope. I would like all of you to speak out with such conviction and power that others will be moved and inspired.

THERE are many other elements involved in a prayer being answered but the important thing is to keep praying until it is. By continuing to pray, you can reflect on yourself with unflinching honesty and begin to move your life in a positive direction towards the path of earnest, steady effort.

A single arrow, shot by a great archer, will unerringly hit the mark. Similarly, a strong and deep prayer offered with unwavering ichinen, or concentration of mind, will, in accordance with the principle that a single life-moment contains three thousand realms (ichinen sanzen), move the entire universe.

THE road we walk is not level. We must climb a great mountain, a task which invariably required painful efforts. However, in the world of Buddhism, no effort is wasted or in vain. All causes that you make will be engraved in the depths of your life; they are golden passages in the golden diary of your eternal existence.

OVERTAKEN by inertia, without realizing it, a person becomes conservative. Those who ceaselessly advance are full of fresh vitality and walk the path leading to lives filled with happiness.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


14th July

ONCE an airplane takes off, it must continue flying, no matter what bad weather or turbulence it encounters, until it lands safely. The same principle applies to our faith. We must continue our faith and practice with unchanging enthusiasm and dedication until we arrive at our final goal of enlightenment.

WE are now advancing in a new century, a century of life, in which all people will enjoy the benefits of equality, happiness and freedom to the fullest. The fundamental “common sense” of Buddhism and of life itself forms the basis for our activities towards this goal.

OUR faith is for our own sake. So are our actions. When we work for the Law, for our friends, and for society, we are reading the sutra with our lives, and everything we do is transformed into our own great benefit.

NICHIREN DAISHONIN said, “The Law does not spread by itself; because people propagate it, both the people and the Law are respect worthy.” (Gosho Zenshu, p856) In every respect, accomplishing kosen-rufu depends on capable people. We have to find, raise and nurture together, fresh talent. Those who can succeed in this endeavour are themselves people of outstanding ability.

IN any field of human endeavour, human beings cannot improve or develop without some kind of training. This applies the more so to our Buddhist practice, which constitutes training for becoming a Buddha. We can regard even the most rigourous training with pleasure if we know that it is attaining an indestructible, diamond-like state of life. All of our prayers and actions for kosen-rufu become the nourishment for our happiness across the three existences as well as the foundation for our external glory.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


13th July

CULTURE is the flowering of both the individual and the nation. Our activities to promote culture can also be called a movement for peace – in that a renaissance of culture is proof of the fruition of happiness within the people.

BUDDHISM is so tremendously farsighted and profound a religion that externally, it is difficult to grasp its true message. People with little understanding of Buddhism can no more discern its value than a child can understand the real value of a diamond. However, please be confident that the development of human wisdom will produce an increasing body of evidence pointing to the greatness of Buddhism.

IT is important to persist with strong prayer, cherishing great hope and focusing on concrete goals. And it is vital to take action in accordance with those prayers.

YOU can think of your personal human revolution as undertaking kosen-rufu in the microcosm of your own small world. Many individuals pursuing their own human revolution can advance the kosen-rufu of society as a whole. In other words, kosen-rufu is advanced in direct proportion to the strides you make in your own human revolution.

I would ask you, as outstanding flag bearers of dialogue and communication for kosen-rufu, to do all you can to create and expand circles of friendship by sincerely reaching out and talking with others. What tremendous progress we can achieve with just our voice or a single word!

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


12th July

TENACITY and effort are what ensure victory – a formula for success that applies as equally to the individual as it does to organizations. Without these two qualities, every struggle is doomed to fail.

THOSE who embrace Buddhism and persevere in faith – even if their lives are quite ordinary – can achieve truly spectacular success in life. On the other hand, those who shrewdly maneuver to get others to work hard, while failing to take any action of their own, are only short-changing themselves.

THE most important people are those in your immediate environment right now. These are the people you must value. The wise person considers the special characteristics of each and every person he or she meets and makes it possible for them to bring out their full potential.

BUDDHISM expounds the principle of honnin-myo or the True Cause. In terms of our attitude in faith, this can be understood as our spirit to always make a fresh departure from the prime point. In other words, we advance with hope and youthful vitality – the vital energy of spring, morning and life –throughout our entire existences.

OUR battle for the sake of the Law is a march towards peace in which we deny the use of any kind of violence or force. This is a “peaceful battle” that enables each and every participant to achieve absolute happiness. In the course of this struggle, though you may at times experience suffering, you will eventually be able to establish indestructible happiness in the depths of your life.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


11th July

PRESIDENT TODA once said, “When we are joined by many young people who have faith in and practice the great Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin, we will definitely be able to accomplish kosen-rufu.” If young people gather together, we can definitely achieve kosen-rufu – the Youth Division must never forget these words of Mr. Toda.

LIFE is long. The true result of your daily struggles will be revealed in your forties, fifties and sixties. So it is important that you find something, it does not matter what, to challenge yourself while you are young. Regard your youth as the time to study and train yourself.

THIS moment, this instant, is important, not some unknown time in the future. Today, this very day is what matters. You must put your whole being into the time that exists now. For future victory rests in the present moment.

BUDDHISM holds that everything is in a constant state of flux. Thus, the question is whether we are to accept change passively and be swept away by it, or whether we are to take the lead and create positive changes on our own initiative. While conservatism and self-protection might be likened to winter, night and death, the spirit of pioneering and attempting to realise the ideals evokes the images of spring, morning and birth.

DO gongyo and chant daimoku with a fresh spirit. And, filled with renewed vitality, build a history of accumulating fresh benefit.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


10th July

A great general who has won numerous battles may eventually be defeated unless he develops his conviction and philosophy through participation in each battle, thereby training his spirit.

IN making a phone call, if you mis-dial just one number, your call will not go through as desired. If even a single wire is misplaced in a sophisticated machine, it will fail to operate. How much more true is this in our practice of Buddhism. Unless a person embraces the correct Law, maintain correct faith, carries out a correct practice, he will eventually lead many astray. This is an extremely serious offence, and those who follow such a leader are to be pitied.

PEOPLE who devote themselves to kosen-rufu have busy lives. They may encounter greater hardships and work harder than others. But they live a life that is ten times, a hundred times more valuable than they can even imagine.

WE must build a society that has more than its short-term profits as a goal. To do that, the first step is to respect ourselves and to live with dignity, self-confidence and pride. Such a person can then treat others with respect.

THOSE whose lives are founded on an unshakeable philosophy will never be misled by the absurdity perpetrated by the powerful or swayed by superficial trends. We must therefore live out our lives with wisdom and strength, forever in accord with the laws of the universe.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


9th July

A truly wealthy person is one who possesses something eternal. Only the Mystic Law is eternal and unchanging; it is by faith alone that we make this treasure our own.

ALL people are equal. There are absolutely no discriminations of superior and inferior among human beings. Differences of positions in an organization are provisional and temporary. They are no more than an expedient means for enabling all members to practice joyfully and become truly happy.

OUR present life is short. But our lives themselves are everlasting. Through our struggles in this short present existence, we can accumulate eternal blessings and benefits. That is why we must not permit ourselves any regret in our struggles for the Law in this lifetime.

HOW can we develop a more generous and expansive state of life? By broadening our sphere of interpersonal relations and our circle of friends. It is vital, therefore, that we work hard to form really strong connections with others. We must maintain lose ties both with members and with the people in his or her community or workplace.

IN life, struggles and challenges lead to growth; they add zest to life. When we stop challenging ourselves, we stop growing. Stagnation sets in. Life feels empty and meaningless. Those who engage in activities for kosen-rufu are positive and filled with life.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


8th July

THE real world is harsh. The number of envious, prejudiced, cold-hearted and selfish people will no doubt increase. In society, you may encounter people you do not like and you may well have to work under bosses you find it hard to get along with. That is why the three qualities of integrity, perseverance and hope are so important. No one is a match for the person who possesses these qualities.

NICHIREN DAISHONIN said, “One should regard meeting obstacles as true peace and comfort.” (Gosho Zenshu, p 750) The important thing is to challenge trials and confront hardships head-on and to overcome them one by one. This is the true path of human beings. It is the path of Buddhism and the path of victors. Having the strength to surmount all obstacles constitutes true peace and comfort.

A disciple is one who cherishes the same goal, same conviction, and makes the same effort, as his mentor. And that is how he achieves the same state as his mentor. This way of mentor and disciple is the core of Buddhism and the eternal, royal road to human development.

ONE of the Fourteen Slanders mentioned in the Gosho is that of shallow, self-satisfied understanding. This does not merely mean possessing shallow knowledge; it indicates the condition of those who have lost their seeking mind and ceased to make efforts to deepen their understanding. This signifies backsliding in faith.

CRITICISING fellow members is just like steering your life from sunshine into darkness.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


7th July

A philosopher once said that a person who would conquer the world must first conquer his own personal sorrows. I am fond of saying this. It is very important for you to establish a solid understanding of the world and of history. Without this, you cannot succeed on the world stage.

JOY can quickly give way to suffering. Joy is short and suffering long. Also, what passes for joy in society is superficial. It cannot be compared with the joy deriving from the Mystic Law, which, as Nichiren Daishonin said, is the “greatest of all joys” (Gosho Zenshu, p788). The key, then, lies in cultivating a state of mind where we can declare without reservation that life itself is a joy. This is the purpose of our Buddhist practice.

THE concept of perceiving oneself as a Buddha does not mean that one can attain Buddhahood by merely thinking about it. We must bring forth the power, vitality, wisdom, benefits and blessings that spring from our inherent Buddhahood and actually see and feel them at work in our lives. The power of our faith and practice holds the key to achieving this.

WITHOUT personal growth, a leader loses his appeal. Not only are the juniors of such a person affected, but he will himself arrive at an impasse. People will not follow him, and as a result, he will try to control them by weight of authority. Such arrogance, however, can only drive people even father away. It is a vicious cycle.

LET us become cheerful and warm-hearted leaders who can develop the members’ faith on a fundamental level. We should not be concerned with winning popularity or allow ourselves to lapse into formalism and authoritarianism.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


6th July

WE are Buddhist, but we are also ordinary citizens and members of society. So, we strive to be excellent citizens who contribute to society more than others. However, as Buddhists, our most fundamental understanding should be that we are followers of the Boddhisattvas of the Earth. As such, we should dedicate ourselves on our spare time to kosen-rufu activities and to the propagation of true Buddhism, in order to realize peace and for the sake of the people. The important thing is to have a deep sense of mission.

ARMED only with sincerity, not relying upon wither authority or economic strength, I have stood in the midst of all kinds of difficulties, taking the lead of millions of people. I have done this solely out of my faithful vow to my mentor that I would devote my whole life to protecting members and leading them to happiness. Fulfilling that vow has been my whole life.

BECAUSE we have problems to challenge, we can change our earthly desires into enlightenment by praying and trying to secure the best solution. Problems form the springboard for further growth and development.

NICHIREN DAISHONIN taught the principle “earthly desires are enlightenment”. Because we have desires and worries, we can appreciate happiness. Because we face and overcome painful difficulties, we can attain Buddhahood. The truth is that a life without suffering is not at all happy. That is the perspective of Buddhism.

WHAT is the purpose of life? What is the purpose of learning? Without a profound philosophy that addresses these questions, our lives will be superficial and shallow. How can we deepen ourselves as individuals? How can we attain a rich, fulfilling view of what it means to be a human being? And how can we lead lives that make the most of our potential? These are the basic questions we face in life.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


5th July

SOMEONE who is concerned only with maintaining his status will be unable to grow and develop. On the other hand, for a person who is striving for the sake of the Law and for the happiness of others, his difficult efforts will become the source of tremendous growth.

IN the world of faith or kosen-rufu, it is sincerity that is of prime importance. It is not schemes, order or commanding words but sincerity that moves people. One’s sincere prayers for kosen-rufu reach the Gohonzon on a profound level, thereby activating the protective functions of the Buddhist gods. In the long-range view, a sincere and honest person is always a victor. No matter how circumstances may change, no one can take away the truth in others’ hearts.

FAITH is not a matter of how you appear to others but how you behave and what you actually do. In the long terms, our invisible determinations and unseen actions will definitely manifest as visible results. As time passes, a person’s true nature naturally comes to be revealed. An honest person always enjoys ultimate victory.

THE purpose of Buddhist practice is to establish an eternally indestructible state of life; not a fleeting happiness that perishes like a flower, but an internal palace of happiness that will last throughout all time. This diamond palace, this treasure tower soaring to magnificent heights, is built through faith.

FORGE a solid self and develop within you the power to attract happiness to your life. Then you yourself will be happy and fulfilled, and you will be able to lead your family, your relatives and your friends to happiness too.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


4th July

NO one has become great without a struggle. All of life is a struggle. Only those who have faced and triumphed over adversity possess genuine greatness; without this struggle, no matter how famous or celebrated one may be, any claim to greatness is merely an empty façade.

IN Buddhism, we either win or lose – there is no middle ground. Now and in the future, let us advance, determine to win in every sphere of our lives. By winning in our lives, we are advancing kosen-rufu; and by advancing kosen-rufu, we win in our lives.

THE important thing is to challenge what lies before you with a lively and vigourous spirit. Those who advance energetically accumulate good fortune. Buddhism is concerned with victory in an ongoing struggle. Those who fight with a buoyant and animated spirit are ultimately victorious. Those who base their lives on faith and on chanting daimoku will definitely triumph in the end.

ALL of us are ordinary human beings. When these ordinary people embrace the Gohonzon completely, they are able to enjoy their lives from moment to moment just as they are, savouring an inexhaustible joy of Buddhahood. Therefore, in the eyes of Buddhism, all of you fellow members who are dedicated to the cause of kosen-rufu are indescribably precious.

YOU must not become so exclusively preoccupied with “faith, faith” or “kosen-rufu, kosen-rufu” that you make things rigid. Some space or flexibility is necessary in any way of life. It is important to consider everything wisely, always maintaining a margin of flexibility.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


3rd July

WHEN we steadfastly dedicate ourselves to the path of mentor and disciple, we can boundlessly manifest the wisdom and power that is inherent in our life. In this world, nothing is stronger than the united struggle of mentor and disciple. Nothing is more joyful.

FAITH is not a matter of appearances. Nor does it have anything to do with position in the organization. It depends entirely on a person’s “fighting spirit”. Those who burn with a “fighting spirit” are true SGI members and disciples of President Makiguchi and President Toda.

WE cannot savour the true beneficial power of the Mystic Law if we lack courage. Courage gives rise to wisdom. Compassion and concern for others are also born of courage. Victory is achieved through courageous actions. Thos who possess courage are blessed with glory.

NOW, all of us have this same seed of the Mystic Law implanted in our lives. How we exert the power of the Buddha and the Law inherent in the Gohonzon, we will definitely be able to show proof of having attained Buddhahood on this lifetime. This is a promise made by the original Buddha and absolutely never fails to materialize.

BUDDHISM teaches the present decides the future; therefore, without clinging to past achievements, live your lives with freshness, keeping your eyes on the future. Never forget that a lively and joyful life depends on this kind of attitude.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


2nd July

ALL Buddhas attain Buddhahood through the seed of the Mystic Law. The Daishonin clarified that it is one and the same principle, not any other special means that equally enables all people to attain enlightenment.

THE cause for development exists in a single person’s earnestness; stagnation and inertia originate in one’s affectations and irresponsibility.

TO live in such a way where we can perceive everything in terms of faith and are always determined to overcome all suffering and obstacles through faith means to walk the path towards ever-lasting happiness.

THERE is a Mongolian proverb, “A hundred friends are more precious than a hundred Tugrig.” People who have friends are rich. Quite often, the encouragement and stimulation of friends spur us towards self-improvement. We are inspired to lead fulfilling lives and creates a better world, and to work together with our friends towards that goal.

NICHIREN DAISHONIN wrote, “Anyone who teaches others even a single phrase of the Lotus Sutra is the envoy of the Thus Come One.” (WND, p33) The Thus Come One refers to the Buddha. Those who talk to another person about the greatness of faith, even if just a few words, are messengers of the Buddha. Through the very act of talking to someone about Buddhism, whether or not that person takes up faith, we accumulate boundless benefits and good fortune as the Buddha’s envoys.

NOTE: NEW! Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.


1st July

IF we take action, we are certain to meet with obstacles. When we overcome them with renewed passion for kosen-rufu, we are able to develop our faith.

SOCIETY is a place of confusion, full of contradictions and collisions of egos. It is precisely in these muddy waters of earthly desires that the state of Buddhahood, in other words, the great flower of absolute happiness, fragrantly blooms forth.

PEOPLE who have powerful life force are happy. People who have strong conviction are happy. They have the ability to take control of their lives, to open up their own paths before them. Weak people, in contrast, are miserable. They bring misery and unhappiness upon themselves. Faith in the Daishonin’s Buddhism enables us to become as strong as we can.

ONLY those who are determined to give their all, to try their very best and make effort upon effort, sparkle with true individuality. Such people can also respect and appreciate others’ individuality. They never try to sabotage other people’s success or pick on people because they are different.

NOW is the time for youth to stand up. It is the Century of Soka Youth. If you are going to try to achieve something, then strive to be the best. Please create a great record of accomplishment that will win the applause and praise of others. Be a presence that inspires reassurance, confidence, a person whose dedicated efforts deeply moved others.

NOTE: New! Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.