

31st December

LET us advance with optimism, joy and confidence along the path of realising peace and prosperity in society based on the ideals and principles of Buddhism, along the path of world peace, just as Nichiren Daishonin instructed.

LIFE cannot be all joy. Life is rich and stimulating precisely because it entails both suffering and joy. Value in life arises for the same reason, as does with a sense of fulfilment.

IN any event, the important thing is to win over your own weaknesses. Without letting the difficulties that may presently beset you defeat you, please compose a magnificent drama of victory. This is the reason we practise faith; this is what the wisdom of the Lotus Sutra is for. The light of faith enables us to make today and everyday of our lives shine.

ALL living things exist in an ever-flowing stream of charge. That is why we must not look back but always face forward, to the future, constantly refreshing our lives with new vitality. Let us make each day and each year one of growth and fresh, exciting possibilities.

ALTHOUGH kosen-rufu is a vast goal, it exists close at hand. The same is true of happiness. All is in accord with the saying that "a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step". All undertakings begin with our immediate efforts.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


30th December

AS long as we remain preoccupied with our own troubles, as long as we allow ourselves to blindly follow the impulsive dictates of our mind, our sufferings will continue. What we must do is to become the masters of our mind, not let it be our master, and consciously redirect our mind and its thoughts in a positive and pleasant direction and help others around us do the same.

THERE is both sadness and sufferings in life. There are mountains, rivers and valleys. Yet, the deeper the river of sadness and the greater the mountain of suffering, the deeper the joy and the greater the happiness we experience when we have made our way across. Moreover, the Mystic Law enables us to change any misfortune into something positive. It is a wondrous teaching that transforms poison into medicine. Herein lies its greatness.

THE lives of those who strive in accord with the Mystic Law, who struggle on behalf of the Mystic Law, and who are devoted to the Mystic Law even in death, merge with the life of Nichiren Daishonin and the world of Buddhahood pervading the universe. Such people experience joy in both life and death. And their journey over the three existences of past, present and future is free of fear and sorrow.

THE mere fact that someone is practising faith is no guarantee that the person's life will be free from hardship or personal tragedy. However, the important thing is that, regardless of what may happen, one must not be shaken in faith. The Mystic Law is the Law that enables us to realise the oneness of life and death, and that earthly desires are enlightenment. One who practises faith exactly as the original Buddha taught can turn everything into a source of benefit and joy.

THERE is no difference whatsoever between the benefit of actions for kosen-rufu undertaken on a worldwide scale, and the benefit of converting a few individuals or encouraging one's fellow members in a single group.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


29th December

A life of supreme joy results from faith and the chanting of daimoku. As the gosho teaches, one's life will become one of ultimate, perfect fulfilment. A life always one step in retreat, that of someone whole lives selfishly or begrudges his/her effort, will in the end be empty and miserable.

THE world is vast. Buddhism is eternal. How foolish it would be, therefore, to be swayed by minor events or become bogged down in trifles! If we allow this to happen to us, then what is the meaning of our Buddhist practice in the first place? What is the meaning of our life?

YOU must not live with your head in the clouds, basing your life on empty idealism. Nor should you get caught up in the slightest with shallow dreams of gaining fame or prominence so that you can impress or dazzle others. The only path to true victory in life is to become a person of genuine ability and substance. And the only way to do this is to advance steadily, one step at a time. Momentary fame is like an apparition.

WISDOM is the secret to good health. Wisdom allows us to ensure our well-being. We need to be aware of how to prevent illness before it occurs, and how to preserve our health so that we can go about our activities with zest and energy. We must not simply succumb passively to old age; instead, we should engage it head on in a positive and active way.

EVERYONE is a capable person. The efforts we make now to raise outstanding capable people will determine the course of our movement for the next hundred years.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


28th December

WHEN you encounter a problem, first and foremost, pray to the Gohonzon. No matter what happens in life, keep forging ahead with daimoku as your basis. Those who have this spirit will surely emerge victorious. All hardships will be transformed into treasured memories. Such individuals can continue advancing with composure along the orbit of indestructible happiness.

WE should not be swayed by victory or defeat in fleeting, momentary struggles. What counts is being victorious in the realm of the eternal as a result of our unceasing commitment to fight to the very end for our beliefs as practitioners of the Daishonin's Buddhism and as human beings. The achievements of such eternal victors will shine undimmed into future generations.

MANY things happen in life. If all is smooth sailing, we cannot grow and develop as human beings. Experiencing problems and sufferings gives us an opportunity to become strong. It is by overcoming life's storms based on a solid practice of faith that we can attain the unsurpassed life-state of Buddhahood.

A pure and vibrant organisation can effectively block those who would destroy it. No one with evil intentions can gain a foothold there. I hope this tradition of pure faith will remain forever.

WE must never be off our guard, and so allow devils the least chance to take advantage. The higher a person’s position, the greater the attack will be from the devils. Therefore, no matter how high someone’s position may be, if the person ceases to struggle in faith and for kosen-rufu, he or she will quickly be overcome by devils.

THE most fundamental issue of all of us have to grapple with is death. Not even the greatest or smartest person on earth can solve the suffering of death inherent in the human condition. Only a correct practice of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism enables us to surmount the fundamental suffering of death and apprehend the eternity of life.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


27th December

WHAT is important? It is faith. Do not be swayed by the fickle winds of public opinion, for that only leads to a life of defeat. The benevolent forces of the universe will protect those who strive earnestly in faith. Such individual will triumph in the end.

THOSE who work for the sake of kosen-rufu with a pure, earnest and whole-hearted commitment, even if they may go unrecognised by the world, will truly savour immense happiness in the final chapter of their life and be able to make a majestic departure towards their next existence.

WHAT matters most is the heart. Everything depends on whether our hearts blaze with a passionate, fighting spirit irrespective of our situation. Those who maintain such an undaunted spirit no matter what happens are victors in life.

AUDACITY is the privilege of youth; it is the spirit of a pioneer. Youth must not be cowardly; a fainthearted and nervous youth cannot accomplish anything great. Of your own accord, you should continually seek out ever greater challenges and difficulties to overcome. To have this spirit is what it means to be a youth.

IT is important to ascend the slope of life day by day with sound faith and a stable daily life. Do not fall under the illusion that carrying out immoderate activities beyond your capacity is an expression of faith.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


26th December

BUDDHISM accords with reason. Our faith is reflected in our daily life, in our actual circumstances. Our prayers cannot be answered if we fail to make efforts appropriate to our situation.

BOTH Nichiren Daishonin and President Toda stressed the importance of advancing with the conviction that our struggles in this lifetime are the means by which we forge ourselves into entities of indestructible happiness, into Buddhas, throughout challenges. Please have deep confidence that "hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of blessings" will well forth in the lives of all who dedicate themselves to kosen-rufu.

BY coming into contact with the Daishonin's immense conviction through the pages of Gosho, we stoke the flames of our own faith. This is the very heart of Buddhist study. We are committed to study that deepens our conviction, forges our determination and forms the basis for our actions. In such an attitude lies a true movement for the prosperity of Buddhism.

BEING old age is not just a matter of physical age. Old age begins when one loses his/her ideals. A person with faith is young, while one filled with doubt is old. One who is plagued by fear is old. One is young to the extent that he/she possesses hope, and old to the extent that he/she has lost it.

AS the Daishonin’s followers, therefore, we have nothing to fear in either life or death. Time and again, we are able to experience joy in death, and exults in gaining rapid rebirth – such is the journey over the eternity of life for those who believes in the Mystic Law.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


25th December

WHEN you have given your all to a struggle, you are filled with a deep sense of satisfaction and joy. That is because you have met the challenge, conquered your limitations, and experienced the great drama of life and human revolution. The face of a person who has strived on without reserve glows. It is lit by the radiance of a lofty spirit dedicated to working for the welfare of friends, fellow members and all humanity.

TO live in accord with the Mystic Law is to live a life as vast as the cosmos itself. No matter what happens, we can view things with serenity and composure. Directing our energies towards fulfilling our mission to help all people become happy, we can freely manifest our innate wisdom and ability, and victoriously overcome all obstacles.

ONE who always returns to the attitude of a beginner, challenging himself/herself to make further efforts, and who struggles to develop himself/herself further and to produce a better literary work, can muster up a dynamic spirit which enables him/her to improve continuously.

FORGE a solid self and develop within you the power to attract happiness to your life. Then you yourself will be happy and fulfilled, and you will be able to lead your family, your relatives and your friends to happiness too.

THE “great power of faith” of which Nichiren Daishonin spoke is like a mighty engine. With it, we can speed powerfully along the highway of life. Since we have been born in this world, we may as well set our sights on a grand objective and enjoy ourselves as we confidently and serenely climb the mountain of glorious personal achievement. If we are weak, life is a drag. We should make our way with the pride and resolve, “I am the SGI. No matter what anyone says, I am a representative of this great organisation.”

THE Daishonin compared the joyous and happy state of death that lies in store for those who practise faith in the Mystic Law to the majestic scene of the sun dispelling the darkness and illuminating the entire world. Death, in other words, far from being a cause for unease and fear, is a grand journey in which one experiences great peace of mind and satisfaction.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


24th December

YOU may think that it is fine to practise by yourself, without being bothered by anybody. You may find it pleasant to have no responsibilities. However, such as attitude will not allow you to carry out the true faith, practice and study of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. Without an organisation, you cannot keep your practice on the right track, nor can you train or polish each other in faith; nor develop or improve your faith.

WHAT matters is faith. What matters is our heart. Even if individuals enjoy fame and social standing, if their hearts and minds are at odds with the true spirit of faith, they will eventually end up straying from the path of happiness. The Daishonin said, "If you are of the same mind as Nichiren, you must be a Bodhisattva of the Earth." (MW1, p93) To be "of the same mind as Nichiren" is to lead a life of the greatest integrity and happiness.

THE sun does not discriminate. Likewise, the Buddhism of the sun is completely impartial. People, who give the appearance of having faith in this Buddhism, yet act in a discriminatory manner against others, should be viewed as devilish functions bent on destroying the Buddhism of the sun.

THE entire universe is like your own personal bank account. The amount of fortune we can withdraw depends solely on our faith. Faith means battling life’s negative functions. Justice means struggling against adversity.

TO become happy not only ourselves, but to enable others to become happy as well; to bring harmony to our local communities; and to help our nations flourish and bring peace to the whole world – the lives of those who pray and work to achieve these goals pulse with faith that is dedicated to realising kosen-rufu.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


23rd December

THERE are no obstacles that cannot be overcome by chanting daimoku. There are no deadlocks in Buddhism. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the "wonderful means" for breaking through all obstacles and opening up our lives limitlessly with courage and composure. That is why the Daishonin urged, "Employ the strategy of the Lotus Sutra before any other." (MW1, p246)

THE vast universe, and our own lives as well, are entities of the Ten Worlds and the three thousand realms. When we devote ourselves to the fundamental law of the universe, the Gohonzon, the life of Buddhahood will arise within us. It is our daily efforts in Buddhist practice and faith that serve as the basis to solidify within ourselves the indestructible life-condition of Buddhahood.

THE Mystic Law is a truly wondrous Law. Those who live their lives in rhythm with the Mystic Law will enjoy complete fulfilment and contentment. Even the desires in the very depth of your heart will definitely be fulfilled on some form. I hope you will show proof of this through your lives.

REAL freedom ultimately hinges on what you decide to dedicate yourself to with all your heart. It does not mean loafing around with nothing to do. It is not spending money like water. It is not having all the free time in the world. It is not taking long vacations. Doing only as you please and desire is not freedom; it is nothing more than self-indulgence. True freedom lies in the ongoing challenge to develop yourself, to achieve your chosen goal. This path is paved with the glittering gold of freedom.

DURING Nichiren Daishonin's lifetime, cowardly disciples discarded their faith and turned against him. There is nothing more pitiful and despicable. We must never abandon out faith. We will only lose out if we do so. Since we are here on Earth, let us live our lives striving to achieve kosen-rufu and accumulate immense good fortune and benefits.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


22nd December

YOU will naturally meet various kinds of hardships in the course of your practice. However, when you continue to make patient, constructive efforts based on faith in the Law of Myoho, you will, without fail, come to lead a life that is filled with satisfaction and benefit.

DOING gongyo and chanting daimoku are for our own benefit. They are our right. You should not feel pressurised or view them as constraint. It is time to make gradual effort in mastering gongyo and increasing the amount of daimoku you chant, for the most important thing is to continue one's practice of faith without ceasing just like "flowing water".

NICHIREN Daishonin said, "A coward cannot have any of his/her prayers answered." (MW1, p246) If you have cowardly faith, you are not a disciple of the Daishonin. If you have cowardly faith, you cannot receive truly great benefit no matter how much you pray.

WE are bound to encounter cowardly and unpleasant people in society, but no matter how others may behave, let us create our own personal history that is free of all regrets. As "champions" of kosen-rufu, let us exert ourselves freely on life's stage throughout the four seasons, armed with pride, hope, purpose and deep fulfilment.

THE life philosophy of Buddhism is a magnificent system of thought that provides a firm basis for respect for the dignity and sanctity of human life. When this teaching spreads around the world, it surely will act as the most powerful force for preventing the outbreak of war.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


21st December

BUDDHISM is victory or defeat. Life is a struggle. Those who continue to burn with the spirit of struggle will triumph. The presence of this spirit in essence indicates one's victory as a human being. Those who abandon the spirit of struggle condemn themselves to defeat.

MORE than anything, it is your own life that is important. Rather than compare yourself to others, it is sufficient to compare whether you have improved from what you were before. There is no need to be impatient with yourself or have an inferiority complex towards others.

THERE is no such thing as "easy" Buddhist practice or "theoretical" Buddhist practice. Only Buddhist practice carried out for the sake of kosen-rufu amid the realities of society brings about great benefit.

WHEN people are in the states of Hell, Hunger, Animality or Anger, the outcome is a society of jealousy and craving that is pervaded with incessant strife. But when, one by one, people begin to chant the Mystic Law and individuality revolutionise their lives to manifest the worlds of Bodhisattva and Buddhahood, it becomes possible to realise an ideal society blossoming with peace, culture and education.

NICHIREN DAISHONIN said of those who embrace the Mystic Law, “You will grow younger, and your good fortune will accumulate.” Nichiren Daishonin’s teaching is absolutely free of any falsehood. The Lotus Sutra also promises perennial youth and eternal life, declaring that its practitioners “will know neither old age nor death”. Surely this refers to a life that has been tempered and forged through unflagging Buddhist practice.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


20th December

GONGYO is fundamental to the basics of faith, practice and study. Remember that our organisation, as well as all guidance and encouragement, begins and ends with gongyo.

WE might think that it would be nice to practise on our own in isolation from others, just following our own whims. But such a course would ultimately only make us extremely selfish and vulnerable to negative influences, thereby causing us to lose our way from the correct path. Any freedom that we might believe we had in practising in such a manner would just be a sham; we would never attain a state of life of true freedom.

THE comments of people close to you can help you focus your individuality on a positive direction. The education and guidance, advice, warnings and even rebukes that you receive can all be used constructively to steer you along the right path. On the other hand, refusing to listen to others' advice, doing only what you want to the exclusion of all else, cannot be described as individuality. That is just being stubborn, and it does not benefit anyone.

NO one is perfect. Therefore, let us strive to compensate for one another's weaknesses while allowing each person's strengths to shine to the fullest. Good fortune accrues from such a spirit of unity.

CHEERFULLY through your own splendid lives, I would like you to prove the statement, “Time is a great writer.” Your happiness alone is my fervent wish – and prayer.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


19th December

EVEN when we practise faith, it is only natural that we still encounter accidents, adversity and illness. This is clearly stated in Nichiren Daishonin's writings. What matters is how we actively challenge that misfortune when it appears and not give in to passive resignation. What matters is how we can surmount the obstacles we face and how we can change our karma. Faith provides the fundamental driving force for these efforts.

THE hardship you come across now will contribute to your growth. Problems are part and parcel of the growing process. Therefore, the important thing is to keep pressing forward, no matter how tough or painful the going may get.

WHEN we have the spirit to accomplish kosen-rufu, no effort is wasted. When we courageously and willingly make up our mind to achieve something, our lives boundlessly overflow with treasures.

THERE are no laurels of victory for those who drop out of a race half-way through. It is reaching the end that is important. Unless you complete the whole course that leads towards the finishing line of ultimate happiness which crowns your life, all the painstaking efforts you have make up to that point will have been for nought. I hope you will treasure and live resolutely in this world of human love and kosen-rufu.

IN time, a child will grow up to be an adult. A sapling will eventually become a larger tree. Likewise, the benefit of the Gohonzon may not be apparent today or tomorrow, as some form of immediate, sweeping change. However, in accord with the principle of attaining enlightenment in this lifetime, all of one’s prayers will definitely be fulfilled in the course of this lifetime.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


18th December

THE wonderful thing about Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is that through daimoku, the four sufferings of birth, old age, sickness and death can be transformed into four castle walls or ramparts that fortify the palace of your life. Though it might be difficult to appreciate at first, the "mud" of our suffering provides the building material from which we can erect a solid bulwark for our palace of happiness within. The deeper the mire of suffering, the more indomitable a palace we establish.

IT is important that the place where you work is a place for forging your character and growing as a human being - and, by extension, therefore, it is a place for your Buddhist practice, place for practising and deepening your faith. When you view things from this angle, all your complaints will disappear.

WE will advance; we will walk the path exactly as Nichiren Daishonin teaches. Because we are right, we are not afraid nor will we be deterred. There is not the slightest need for us to be. Everything shall become apparent with the passage of time. The original Buddha is our greatest ally. It is inconceivable that we shall not win.

YOUTH is a battle with worries and problems. The purpose of faith is to overcome these. Only those who have overcome their own suffering will achieve great success as human beings and become winners in society.

THE mission of a leader is to put everyone’s mind at ease. Towards that end, it is very important to offer words and take actions that abound with compassion. This is in contrast to the authoritarian attitude of a person who tries to manipulate people as if they were machines, assuming that they will do everything as he says. The SGI is a world of thorough-going humanism.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


17th December

NO prayer to the Gohonzon goes unanswered. The Mystic Law is a great teaching that enables us to change poison into medicine. Through faith we can transform all sufferings into something positive and beneficial, and develop a higher state of life.

IN the organisation, on the job and in human relations, it is only natural that we should experience worries and deadlocks from time to time. But it is precisely at such time that we must break through. There is no alternative other than to advance and realise victory through our own efforts.

EXAMS are a form of training that allows you to develop your mind and your forbearance. What matters is that you never give up but continue making efforts. It is important that even if you get a bad grade, you have the spirit to try harder next time. If you did not do well today, there is always next time. And if you do not do well next time either, there is always the time after that. It is important to have the tenacity and persistence to keep challenging yourself time after time. Your entire life is a process of strengthening your mind and your endurance.

THERE is no doubt that one who lives with strong faith and a constant seeking spirit will definitely enjoy a life of total fulfilment. Your future is a hope-filled one. My hope is that each of you will become as solid as great trees, blossoming on the stage of the world. Please advance with youthful faith throughout your lives, never forgetting your original spirit.

UNLESS one stands up when times demand, one cannot be called a true human being, nor can one be called a disciple of Nichiren Daishonin. If we let evil have its way, it would be just too wretched for our successors. How greatly everyone would suffer!

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


16th December

WHEN we human beings chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we reveal our full capability for the first time. Furthermore, the gosho says, "The voice does the Buddha's work." When you chant daimoku resoundingly, the life condition of Buddhahood will well up within you, allowing you to manifest Buddhahood as you are, leading you towards a complete way of life.

WHEN people have a genuine sense that, no matter how difficult their present circumstances, they are not alone, but are virtually connected with others and with the world, they will be able to stand up without fail. This is the power inherent in life. It is important, therefore, that we form "good relations” and develop bonds with people who can have a positive influence on our lives and out Buddhist practice, or "good friends".

GOOD health equals Buddhism. Daily life equals faith. Taking care to avoid traffic accidents and making efforts to stay in good health, therefore, are all part of our Buddhist practice. It is important that we live wisely, striving with the awareness each day that all the actions and activities we undertake for the sake of faith contribute to our good health and well-being.

"TIME is a great writer." Our fight for kosen-rufu gives growing testimony to the truth of this statement. From a narrow perspective, it is difficult to perceive what is just. The crucial point is to view events from a long-range perspective. Then, the true essence of good and evil will come into view.

PROPAGATING Nichiren Daishonin’s teachings, sharing Buddhism with others, is the heart of the SGI. Towards that end, we as leaders must first of all pray earnestly and challenge our own human revolution. We must lead the way by taking action ourselves, while at the same time fully supporting our fellow members in their efforts to introduce others to Buddhism.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


15th December

A happy person is one who can create pleasant memories in life. One, whose life condition enables him/her to create happy and joyful memories, even in times of hardship or sorrow, will undoubtedly become a winner in life.

BECAUSE there are negative forces around us, we can exert ourselves. Because we energetically engage ourselves, we can accumulate benefit. And because we work hard, we can savour supreme joy.

YOUTH is the spirit of persistence - to keep making an effort to grow and to become more capable despite all obstacles. Those who keep striving for improvement remain youthful no matter how old they are. Conversely, those who fail to do so, even if they are young in years, will be old and weak in spirit.

THE Mystic Law, the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin, elucidates the principles for the truest and most correct way to live as a human being. Those who devote themselves to the Mystic Law will bring their lives to magnificent bloom, fragrant with eternal happiness transcending the boundaries of life and death. True happiness is not a matter of status but of whether or not one has lived a noble and upright life.

TO keep on living strongly, moving ever forward – this provides you with the strength not to let your life end as a tragedy. It is one of the knacks of leading a life of victory. Faint heartedness that leaves one nervous, trembling in fear or grieving whenever something appears is in itself a tragedy. It is pathetic.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


14th December

THE Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin is a perfect teaching - a flawless, true principle. Therefore, when one challenges oneself for kosen-rufu, none of the time and effort one spends is sacrificed. Due to the power of the True Law, every effort turns into one's own fortune and benefit, as well as a driving force to enjoy one's life fully and contribute to society greatly.

EVERYTHING depends on our heart, on our mind of faith. As the Daishonin said, "Faith alone is what really matters." (MW1, p246) Attaining Buddhahood, that is, establishing a life condition of absolute happiness depends entirely on the strength of our faith. Therefore, our heart must not be swayed. We must not allow our heart to be affected by envy and cowardice, but should develop a heart of faith that is strong and magnanimous. For herein lies happiness.

PLEASE never give in to defeat. For a seed to sprout, it must exert tremendous effort to break out of its outer covering. To reach outside to view the blue sky above, that sprout must then valiantly push its way up through a thick layer of soil.

PEOPLE are envied for their beauty, talent or good fortune; or because they are happy. Even the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law was envied. Actually, because he was the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law that Nichiren Daishonin was so resented and persecuted. But he endured everything and left behind the great teaching of ultimate happiness and peace for all mankind.

FAITH is something which, if you are fully convinced of its benefits, you continue on your own free will. Trust between parent and child is fundamental to this. As long as such bonds of trust exist, the parents’ prayers for their children’s happiness will communicate themselves.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


13th December

YOU can chant for as many things as you like. A person with many wishes and dreams should pray earnestly to fulfil each one. Buddhism is reason. Sometimes our immediate prayers are realised and sometimes they are not. When we look back later, however, we will be able to say with absolute conviction that everything turned out the way it did for the very best.

GAKKAI activities for the sake of kosen-rufu include two aspects of faith and practice. It is impossible to continue along the strict path of Buddhist practice if you forsake the organisation or your friends in faith. Alone you would be unable to continue a sincere practice of gongyo, daimoku and shakubuku for long.

WISDOM is not merely the accumulation of information or knowledge; rather, it is the ability to use information and knowledge to create value. Wisdom, therefore, concerns the entire human being. Creativity and originality, for example, are part of wisdom. Character, philosophy and action are also included in wisdom.

WE need to unite and pray in the spirit of "many in bodies but one in mind". When everyone prays together for victory in the endeavour to "refute the erroneous and reveal the true", our daimoku becomes that of the lion king. When everyone prays with one mind, kosen-rufu advances with increasing momentum. Prayer itself is the greatest power with which to forge ahead.

YOU are who you are. All you have to do is to walk resolutely in a manner true to yourself along your own path. The important thing is having the courage to fight evil or negative forces which obstruct the path of your conviction. If you leave evil to its devices, it only multiplies and will eventually make us its accomplices. Good exists only in one’s genuine efforts to fight evil.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


12th December

GONGYO is a solemn ceremony. When we do gongyo, we open wide the doors of the treasure storehouse within; we mine the dynamic well-spring of life force that lies dormant in the vast inner reaches of our being; we tap an inexhaustible source of wisdom, compassion and courage.

EARNEST voices arising from the depths of our lives are certain to reach the hearts of others. When we are in high spirits, those around us also become energised. When we are full of life and vigour, we will be able to spread joy to others.

WHETHER in an organisation, one’s own life, or some undertaking, regardless of how solid and strong things may appear, the slightest error may cause everything to come crashing down in an instant. Ruin begins with complacency and arrogance that accept even more minor blunders. It is a leader’s responsibility to deal with such problems quickly and appropriately without overlooking the slightest details. Each of these instances represents an important crossroad on which future development hinges. We must never forget this.

A car that does not run has no value. Life becomes meaningful only when one strives to become happy. It is natural for human beings to contribute in some way to the society in which they live. Through our actions of faith and practice, in other words, shakubuku and other activities to spread Buddhism, we can contribute to society in a most fundamental way.

RICH or poor, a lofty spirit remains a lofty one. Mean spirited people become increasingly so, the more prosperous they become. It is those who possess lofty who are truly noble people. It has nothing to do with status or position.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


11th December

THOSE who can say at the end of their lives, "I did my best", "I have fulfilled my mission", "I have carried through with faith", are truly happy. With this intent, we should live out our lives "according to our own mind" (“zuijii”), that is, without being influenced or swayed by anything. Conviction serves as a person's backbone. Therefore, we need to make our conviction unwavering.

ONE cannot continue to practise faith alone. An organisation where people can mutually polish their character and encourage one another is vital in order to correctly carry out one's Buddhist practice for the sake of oneself as well as for others.

IF we are to make the new century a century of peace, a spirit of tolerance is indispensable. But tolerance is different from compromise. Compromise is the product of self-preservation, self-interest and a poverty of the spirit. It results in compliance with evil, and finally in our own corruption. Tolerance, on the other hand, is always found on a clear understanding of the difference between good and evil. It is the product of strong personal commitment.

MR TODA said: “Teach your children to have faith in Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism and place them in the garden of the SGI. Children are easily swayed by their environment. Also, in their desire for freedom, they may sometimes be drawn to undesirable company. It is especially important for mothers, with their abundant love and affection, to bring their children into the ‘realm of security’ of the SGI.”

PRIDE – faith is the highest pride; the highest hope. The unlimited light of a faith will always shine warmly and unerringly on one’s family, community and life.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


10th December

DAIMOKU is the well-spring of vitality and a driving force for one's daily life and activities within society. This force is accelerated by the study of Buddhism.

FAITH enables us to secure ultimate victory. It enables us to live out our lives with vigour and joy and to strive to improve ourselves and become the very best people we can be. Moreover, faith enables us to walk through life with complete assurance and confidence, unafraid of anything.

WE are living in an age in which wisdom is all important. Wisdom is the driving force for happiness. Happiness might be said to consist of the three components of "beauty, benefit and good". When we possess wisdom, we can channel everything towards the creation of "beauty, benefit and good". We need wisdom to enable all people to become happy.

I am always praying that you and your families will enjoy good health and abundant fortune. Please win in all your endeavours. Please make your family a “fountainhead of faith” and create a brilliant flow of great good fortune that will extend to your children and coming generations, and across the three existences of past, present and future.

AGGRESSIVE humanism – that is the spirit of Soka Gakkai. A thorough-going fighting spirit of great dimension – that is our Soka Gakkai spirit. There is no compromise in faith. Nor is the practice of True Buddhism merely empty words. It is actions. It is results.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


9th December

IN life there are times when you may face a slump. At times you may also suffer from illness or family problems, have trouble with your children, or experience difficulties in your relationships with other people. However, Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is a great law which enables one to change poison into medicine. Through faith, everything serves to transform one's life into one which manifests the enlightened properties of eternity, happiness, true self and purity.

IT is important that you, for yourself, keep growing and continue living no matter what. Life is an unremitting challenge of the self. If one stops fighting, failure awaits. Worse still, a life in which challenge has ceased is already from that moment on a living death. Live, live and keep on living - this spirit in itself constitutes a life philosophy. The driving force behind this struggle is our faith in True Buddhism.

WE live in the strife-filled “saha” world. It is a world of perseverance - a world where we must endure many sufferings. No matter where we go, we cannot escape from the sufferings that are part and parcel of life. If we cannot avoid these sufferings, then our only choice is to overcome them. And since we have no choice but to overcome them, then we might as well live joyfully and vigorously while doing so. Unless we cultivate in ourselves this kind of strength and resilience, happiness will forever elude us.

THIS lifetime will never come again; it is precious and irreplaceable. To live without regret, it is crucial for us to have a concrete purpose and continually set goals and challenges for ourselves. It is equally important that we keep moving towards those specific targets steadily and tenaciously, one step at a time.

THERE are always countless unseen, mundane efforts behind great achievements. Nichiren Daishonin wrote: “Where there is unseen virtue, there will be visible reward.” (WND, p907) Such behind-the-scene struggles have led to the construction of the global organisation we are today.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


8th December

IN Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, kosen-rufu is never just a distant ideal. It can be found in one's efforts to gain trust and expand the circle of understanding at his/her place of work and in daily life. The progress of kosen-rufu is totally determined by the behaviour of those who embrace the Gohonzon.

WE need to cultivate the spirit to be able to live with self-assurance, to be able to make our way joyously through life. We practise this faith precisely in order to forge such a strong and vibrant inner resolve.

WITHOUT the wisdom and intellect to shrewdly discern good from evil, and truth from falsehood, one is destined to live a life of failure. Therefore, it is all the more important for us believers of True Buddhism to be more sagacious and clear-eyed than anyone else. In light of our responsibilities to lead others to happiness, we must on no account allow ourselves to be deceived by evil.

IF you continue to advance on the path of kosen-rufu, life force will naturally well up from the depths of your being. As the years pass, you will grow younger and younger and live to the end of your days filled with vitality. That is what Buddhism teaches us, and that is what so many of our worthy seniors and comrades in faith have shown us through the examples of their lives.

GANDHI asserted that even if there was one pure person in a gathering, the rest would be affected by that one person’s purity. The presence of one person is important. If one person stands up, two, three, and more are certain to follow his or her example. Those who can stand alone possess true courage and are genuine leaders.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


7th December

IT is essential that we keep advancing boldly towards our goal of kosen-rufu, armed with the power of faith and practice. Sometimes we may feel like taking a break and letting things slide. But the key is not to give in to that inertia and instead challenge ourselves to do gongyo and chant daimoku, or attend an SGI meeting. Victory lies in such positive action.

WITH a dauntless spirit, we can lead a cheerful and thoroughly enjoyable life. We can develop a "self" of such fortitude that we are able to look forward to life's trials and tribulations with a sense of profound elation and joy.

THE Gosho states, "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the greatest of all joys." We aspire for a life filled with the greatest kind of joy. The Daishonin's Buddhism enables us to create causes which will lead to such a joyful existence. Faith gives rise to wisdom and joy, while doubt and slander are the characteristics of icchantika, or those who are incapable of attaining Buddhahood.

THE marvellous thing about faith is that without fail the final days of one’s life will be filled with inexhaustible benefit – days of total enjoyment and contentment in life. Therefore, I hope you will be reassured that while you are experiencing hardships, you are not going to die anytime soon! President Toda often said this.

THE wonderful art of peace is devoting oneself entirely to linking one beautiful human heart to another. When such cultivated lives and culture itself are joined, the truly humane culture of the new century will be born. When fully realised humanity and art come together, a truly humane art will be born. It is your mission to forge that spectacular and creative future.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


6th December

NICHIREN DAISHONIN stated in the Gosho, "To discard the shallow and seek the profound is the way of a courageous man." As we study the profound view of life, society and the universe expounded in Buddhism, and pursue a way of life based on deep faith, we can build a beautiful existence, one which is crowned with glory.

EVEN though a person's life may appear to be going well along the way, there is no telling how things will turn out in the end. The reason for our faith in True Buddhism is so that we can attain that final victory in life.

WHETHER we regard difficulties in life as misfortunes or whether we view them as good fortune depends entirely on how much we have forged our inner determination. It all depends on our attitude or inner state of life.

OUR lives are fundamentally one with the universal life itself. All the treasures of the universe exist within each person; each person is an infinitely respectworthy entity. Therefore, through our mind of faith we can transform ourselves and our family, and we can change our community, our country and the entire world in the direction of hope, happiness and peace.

IT is the nature of animals to accumulate food for themselves. If we were to keep the means we have found for attaining happiness to ourselves and not share it with others, it would mean that we have succumbed to the state of Animality (selfishness) and of Hunger (greed). The wish to share the truth with others, to share the means for achieving happiness with others, is the hallmark of philosophy, education, culture and Buddhism.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


5th December

BUDDHISM is a struggle. Life is a struggle. It is struggle that makes life interesting. Since struggle is inevitable, we ought to enjoy it. Those who strive for kosen-rufu become healthy. Victory is itself happiness. All our efforts in faith return to us as eternal good fortune and benefit.

TO embrace the Gohonzon, which embodies the fundamental, boundless and magnificent law of the universe, is to enjoy ultimate power and satisfaction, far greater than any amount of wealth or any social status can provide.

THOSE who share the philosophy and ideals of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism with as many people as possible are victors in life. Our victory is determined by how much energy we put into caring for the members and working for their welfare. Only by forging close unity with all kinds of people and helping them advance towards kosen-rufu can we ourselves be victorious.

IN the final analysis, the lives of those who lead a self-centred existence, merely doing as they please and avoiding difficulties, lack direction just like an airplane that is flying off course. Not only do such people fail to become happy themselves, but they actually destroy the happiness of others.

LIFE is a drama. Dramas can be broadly divided into those with happy endings and those with sad or tragic endings. Similarly, depending on its ending, a person’s life can be termed as having been either happy or sad. To envy or ridicule others solely on the basis of their lives up to a certain point indicates a lack of understanding odf the reality of life.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


4th December

NEVER forgetting debts of gratitude incurred when one has been protected in times of great difficulty is what humanity is all about. This is the correct behaviour of a human being. Being friendly to those you are indebted to when you have fallen upon hard times, but casting them off the minute your fortunes improve - such behaviour deviate not only from the path of humanity, but from one's path as a Buddhist as well.

THE Mystic Law activates all things. Through its practice we can give full play to the unique character and culture of our particular area, causing it to blossom. While earnestly seeking to contribute to the community, we can create and expand a seamless and boundless solidarity of peace and justice.

THERE is no doubt that you can make fruitful progress in your activities towards kosen-rufu of the true Law, when you advance with both wisdom and action. If you have only one of the two, your activities will tend to be unsound.

IT is important for youth to cultivate their minds, hearts and characters. If young people only pursue and neglect the development of their humanity, then society will rapidly move in the wrong direction. Fostering well-balanced individuals based on solid character development is essential.

PHILOSOPHY is essentially the wisdom that helps us to lead better lives. When we acquire that philosophy, that knowledge, through our Buddhist practice, it becomes a source of boundless strength that we can tap freely to respond to life’s diverse challenges, and we also come to see that we are advancing on the road towards genuine happiness and fulfilment.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


3rd December

NO matter what may happen, pray to the Gohonzon and chant daimoku resolutely, and everything will surely be resolved. In any event, along with your prayer to the Gohonzon, your powerful determination or ichinen will become your fundamental guiding force in all life's battles.

TRUE seeking spirit does not discriminate on the basis of the status of the person in whom wisdom is sought. For it is the Law that is important, not the status of the person expounding it. This is the fundamental spirit of Buddhism.

BY pressing forward without respite and taking courageous action, we can cultivate the supreme state of Buddhahood in our lives, and achieve happiness. Happiness lies in the pursuit of a noble and worthy cause. We will never feel deep fulfilment or be able to secure true happiness if we live in idleness or act from the force of habit without making a sincere effort.

THOSE who fail to exert themselves at the crucial time cannot attain Buddhahood. Discarding vanity and concern for appearances, let us cause the "gears" of our hearts to mesh and resolutely advance along the great path of supreme faith.

HAPPINESS is not determined by outward appearance, beauty, wealth or possessions. It is determined by your ability to change your karma and by the amount of good fortune you have accumulated in your life.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


2nd December

BUDDHISM is victory or defeat. Life is an eternal struggle. To the end, we should live with strength and vigour. In any realm of activity, reality is very strict. It is the power of Buddhism that enables us to win in any situation. Difficulties are inevitable in life - that is true for everyone. Herein lies a profound reason for our practice; we should always remember this.

THE process of human revolution is one of steady, marked improvement, enabling us to keep growing and developing throughout our lives and for all eternity. We will never hit a limit, a dead end, in our journey for self-perfection. Faith is the engine, the power source for our ongoing human revolution.

GUIDANCE in Buddhism is guidance aimed at the very depths of life. It is an all-out challenge to motivate someone to change his/her life. Unless our own life overflows with vitality, nothing we do or say will penetrate the lives of others.

WHETHER one always acts with faith, or complains that erases the good causes for benefit which he has thus far created, depends on one's ichinen (determination). Herein lies the vital importance of one's ichinen and attitude in faith.

KOSEN-RUFU is also a great undertaking that will take thousands of years to accomplish. We must bring this enterprise to completion while passing on the strong heart of faith and the eternal spirit of the Soka Gakkai from generation to generation.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


1st December

WE cannot win in our jobs unless we are in good health. The workplace is one of society's battlefields. Since Buddhism finds expression in society, we need to exhibit a strong life force in that realm in order to be victorious.

THOUGH our bodies may age, through participating in SGI activities our hearts and minds remain as bright and shining as the sun. We are youthful as long as we live. Those who work for others' happiness and for Buddhism remain vigourous and full of energy.

PEOPLE may circulate deceptive rumours and baseless accusations with the intent of wounding or harming others. But never allow yourself to be swayed by such malice in the least. Only you will lose out if you do. The vital thing is that you strive resolutely for kosen-rufu with an unshakeable spirit.

THE Daishonin’s teachings constitute our foundation. The Gosho is our eternal standard. When we view things in the light of the mirror of the Gosho, there is absolutely nothing that we need to fear, and furthermore, we are able to see through all malevolent scheming. How fortunate we are to possess such a mirror!

THE law of the Myoho is the fundamental principle which can fundamentally change this age of sadness and tragedy into one of absolute happiness. This is the purpose of our movement for kosen-rufu. It may seem like a detour, but there is no other way to open a definite path towards mankind’s happiness.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


30th November

NICHIREN DAISHONIN taught that the Mystic Law possesses limitless power, permeating the entire universe. You already embrace the Mystic Law. Therefore, it is certain that you will enjoy prosperity and good fortune.

IT is important to continue your faith for first ten, then twenty and then thirty years. If you sincerely and straightforwardly strive in your faith, continuing to do so for thirty years, the roots of good fortune will sink deeply into your life and a great flower of happiness will definitely bloom.

THE two phases of life and death are inseparable. Through faith we are able to fill both phases with limitless happiness and contentment. The original Buddha guaranteed that the Mystic Law is the supreme staff that one may use eternally over the three existences of life.

THE true mission of religion is to give society joy and a sense of security. Moreover, the mission of Buddhist leaders is to give members delight and confidence. If you exert yourself as a leader without begrudging your life, encourage your friends warmly, encounter them with a smile, admire them and instill confidence in them, you can create a comfortable community where no impasse may thwart the advance of kosen-rufu.

THE power of one person is truly immense. Such power and strength cannot fail to become manifest in those who awaken to their mission as Bodhisattvas of the Earth. Such confidence is the point of departure for everything.

“THOSE with the heart of a lion king are sure to attain Buddhahood.” (WND, p302) Let us rise up and roar as lions! This is Nichiren Daishonin’s teaching. I hope that you will continue to strive even more vigourously with the indomitable heart of a lion king and surmount any and all obstacles you may encounter.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


29th November

THOSE who can always resolve, "I will make a new departure!", "I will construct something new!" will be victorious in the end. By contrast, those who think, "I have done enough already," are leading the lives of defeat.

ALL of our prayers and activities for kosen-rufu become good fortune and virtue that adorn our lives. And our life itself embodies the true entity of the Mystic Law. We are able to help many people form connections with Buddhism only to the extent that we take action and speak out.

IN Buddhism, zenchishiki, or good friends, are essential. You cannot seek the Way if you make mistakes in choosing who to follow. Only when you follow the proper leaders of kosen-rufu can you make great strides in developing yourself.

WHEN we fundamentally change our own lives through the great good of the Mystic Law and enable others to do the same, then even acts of medium and minor good will all come to have significant effect and value.

AS we advance towards kosen-rufu, the three obstacles and four devils (sansho shima) will definitely appear. Therefore, we must always be deeply determined to overcome any obstacle or hindrance to our accomplishing kosen-rufu and attaining Buddhahood.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


28th November

NICHIREN DAISHONIN stated in the Gosho, "Neither the pure land and hell exists outside ourselves; both lie within our own hearts." (MW2, p 239) Everything depends upon one's inner life, or ichinen. Therefore, what is important is one's heart. No matter how unfavourable the situation, it can be transformed into "the pure land" if you courageously address the problem by deciding that it is your Buddhist practice to develop yourself.

YOU must always maintain a seeking spirit. "Seeking the way" in Buddhism is an attitude that leads to profound happiness. Remember that a spirit to always seek the Law for the sake of your daily self-improvement is actual proof of your faith itself.

FAITH is the greatest of all treasures. Passing on correct faith to your children is the surest way for both parent and child and for the entire family as well, to walk the path of eternal happiness.

THE sun burns its own mass as fuel in order to illuminate the cosmic darkness, bring its light to the moon and the planets. Similarly, the courage of one individual who possesses a sprit that burns like the sun will touch and inspire countless others. This is the unchanging formula for achieving the spread of the Law, the most difficult of all undertakings.

TO encounter persecution because of one’s faith is in fact a wonderful thing. It is precisely one struggles to overcome hardships that one is able to create integrity. In an environment that is monotonous and placid, stagnancy and degeneration may overtake vivacity. It is because there are storms of great struggles that the blue sky of existence opens up and fresh vigour wells forth in one’s life.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


27th November

WHEN the seeds of Buddhahood are firmly rooted, they will naturally grow into a great tree of blessing and virtue, and produce the flowers and fruit of good fortune. In this way, I hope you will lead a life in which all desires are fulfilled. No matter what may happen, you must never cut the roots of your faith.

THE means to change hardship into happiness; suffering into growth; obstacles into development; and confusion into progress lies in our heart, in our single-minded determination. This is the essence of faith. Encountering a few difficulties is nothing at all to those who have solidly constructed their "inner kingdom".

CHALLENGE all difficulties with determination and composure. Those who persevere with unflagging passion and enthusiasm always win in the end. In contrast, those who give up and stop trying out of fear only wind up unhappy.

SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA exists in the lives of all those who are struggling for kosen-rufu. The power of the Bodhisattvas Universal Worthy and Medicine King – these are all contained in our lives. Therefore, wisdom cannot fail to well forth. We cannot possibly be defeated by the devil of illness. We are naturally able to manifest great life force.

THE bond of master and disciple is the prime point of life. It is not schooling that determines a person’s wisdom. In any age, in any world, the person who bases his or her life upon the master-disciple relationship is the one who will live life most wisely.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


26th November

LIFE is eternal. We need to focus on the two existences of the present and the future and not get caught up in the past. We must always have the spirit to begin anew "from this moment", to initiate a new struggle each day.

FAITH is not a matter of scholarly credentials. Nor is it a matter of understanding theory. Rather it comes down to conviction; infinite wisdom wells forth in the life of one who has faith of strong confidence in the Gohonzon.

HOW does one obtain the power to survive and break free from a restrictive destiny? The fundamental source of this power is nothing other than the Mystic Law, the Gohonzon and strong faith. In true Buddhism there is no sentimentality.

IN order to enjoy health and good fortune in your forties and fifties, in order to feel a sense of purpose and success in your daily endeavours, it is vital that you build a firm foundation for your life through your Buddhist practice while you are still young. For anything that is built on a weak foundation only crumbles.

A leader has to stand up in the vanguard. You must not simply leave everything up to others. It is the duty of leaders to rack their minds in an effort to enable everyone to advance with joy, self-confidence and soaring hope.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


25th November

GET up early in the morning and do gongyo. Fight productively and be full of enthusiasm in the evening, and get to bed earlier.

DO not look to others; look to yourself. If you make yours a meaningful life which you can say with calm objectively, "It was good. It was full of triumph," then you have lived a glorious life. The person with such a strong character is a happy person.

WHEN we are tired, we can sleep well. When we have worked hard, we can sleep all the more soundly. When we have worked at something with all our might, we are left with a sense of peace and well-being. Striving to realise our dreams is exhausting. But nothing is more satisfying or fulfilling.

BEHAVIOUR reveals faith. It might well be said that faith exists within action. If you take some action for the sake of other members, even though it might seem insignificant at the time, it will definitely come to assume brilliance over the course of time.

JUST because someone has a high standing in the organisation or status in society, that does not mean the person has faith. Someone who behaves arrogantly solely because he or she went to a prestigious school is the worst kind of person and is utterly lacking in character. Some people are flashy; some are modest. Some people have advanced degrees; some do not. Some people are wealthy; some are poor. While all people are different, the important question is who is truly happy.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


24th November

PRAYER is hope. It is the dawn of life. It sows the seeds of happiness. Those who challenge the future with prayer are sure to see continual improvement in their lives.

ALWAYS remember that victory or defeat in our battle to accomplish kosen-rufu depends upon a tremendous, diamond-like sense of indestructible determination engraved deep within the heart of each and every one of us. After all, Buddhism is "win" or "lose".

TO study the Gosho is to come into contact with the spirit of Nichiren Daishonin; it is to receive supreme encouragement and guidance directly from the original Buddha about faith and the propagation of Buddhism. Only when we take action in accord with the Gosho can we say that we have grasped the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism.

NICHIREN Buddhism is focused squarely on human beings. Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda, the first and second Soka Gakkai presidents, steadfastly spread the teaching among the people, who were labouring under extreme suffering. Buddhism and the advance of the SGI exist in dedicating ourselves to others and imparting joy, causing flowers of happiness and victory to blossom, and in unfurling the “banner of justice” in society.

THE prime of life for the men’s division is the time for putting the finishing touches on one’s life. Ultimate victory in life is determined by the extent to which one has struggled for kosen-rufu and for the happiness of others. Furthermore, all of one’s efforts become one’s eternal treasure. No efforts for the sake of faith are wasted. One can make one’s life shine only to the extent that one exerts oneself for the sake of the Law and for the sake of others.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


23rd November

FOR us who practise Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, spiritual strength means the power of prayer. All kinds of things happen in the course of life. There are difficult times; times when we find ourselves deadlocked, times when we cannot see what lies ahead. For precisely this reason, we need to make prayer our foundation in life. Only with the sword of daimoku (prayer) can we defeat life's devilish functions.

HUMAN revolution, in other words, refers to raising one's gaze beyond one's restricted, ordinary, everyday world and striving for and dedicating oneself to achieving something more lofty, more profound, more all-embracing.

FOUNDING President Makiguchi said, "As human beings, we must continually advance. And we must do so with a sense of purpose. Of course, we will inevitably experience failure and make mistakes along the way. Such times are opportunities to self-reflect. Without self-reflection, we cannot progress. However, self-reflection is not the same as regret, even though they are often confused. Nothing can come of regret. Self-reflection leads to advancement." His words are truly profound.

DEVOTE yourselves and your lives to kosen-rufu, the noblest, eternal and imperishable labour. Never forget the glory of being one of the disciples of the Daishonin. Never lose the pride of being cubs of the Lion King.

THOSE of you who studied the profound Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin, teach the unhappy the way to happiness and guide and encourage those who are suffering, will actually enjoy a tremendous state of life, creating great value through your movement. You should also have pride that you have gained tremendous wisdom through your practice of true Buddhism.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


22nd November

DYNAMIC growth begins with a positive determination. An unflagging effort is the key to breaking through our self-limitations. Faith is a never-ending process of challenging ourselves.

HUMAN beings cannot grow without undergoing hardship. People cannot become great without struggling. Those who are not trained and tempered by difficulty will be lacking in fortitude. In this sense, those who possess firm resolve are strong. They do not waver. They do not grumble or complain. They do not have any regret. They never become stagnant.

KOSEN-RUFU is a battle for the sake of all humanity. That is why those who are devoted to kosen-rufu live lives that are open to the entire world and all humanity. Kosen-rufu is the sacred labour that is eternal and imperishable. That is why people who are devoted to kosen-rufu shine with eternal and imperishable light.

NEVER cause stupid accidents. Act with common sense.

PRESIDENT TODA said: “Youth who oversleep and arrive late for work in the morning will not succeed. Morning is crucial; it decides victory or defeat. Brim with lively energy amid the fresh breath of morning. Therein lies the key to great growth.” Youth who are tardy in the morning will not succeed in life. The success or failure of an organisation or group is decided by the kind of start it makes in the morning. This is a universal rule.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


21st November

NOT everything in life can turn out as you would like. There are times of winning and times of losing. However, even if you should suffer momentary loss, you must not be defeated by your own self. Those who lose the inner battle are most wretched. No matter what might happen, no matter what you might be told, no matter how difficult your present circumstances, as long as you win the battle with yourself, you will be a victor in life.

THERE is no greater happiness than chanting daimoku. A voice chanting the Mystic Law instantly reaches the farthest corners of the universe. The more we chant, and the more we teach others to do the same, the more we make it possible for ourselves to attain a state of life in which we can travel unhindered through the universe with perfect serenity and freedom. Daimoku is the source of good fortune and boundless life force throughout the three existences of past, present and future.

FAITH is a battle between the “Buddha” and “devils”. Since Myoho is a fundamental principle that leads to happiness, the battle between good and evil is severe, the conflict between happiness and suffering intense. Just when you think that there could not be any greater unhappiness; that is when real faith and tremendous joy begin to sprout. This is the true power of faith and the ultimate joy a human being can experience.

THE Mystic Law is eternal. So those who live in accord with this Law are eternal. The Mystic Law is vast and limitless. So those who live in accord with the Mystic Law are truly living with the vast and limitless state of mind equal to the universe.

GANDHI said: “If a man has a living faith in him, it spreads its aroma like the rose its scent.” A “living faith” lies not in abstract concepts or commandments; it is found in action and in practice. It means that our conduct is the embodiment of our faith.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


20th November

THOSE who make their homes available for discussion meetings are making a fundamental cause for the welfare and prosperity of themselves and their families. The more that people visit their homes, the more they will flourish. Similarly, those who actively go out to meet and interact with others lead lives that are always rich and open to new possibilities.

YOU have to possess the fortitude and the life force not to be defeated by anything. Those who do so will become winners in the end. Therefore, no matter what happens, you must always live as yourself and in a manner true to yourself. It is vital to create a self that is firm and unyielding like a wall of rock. This is the essence of faith.

THE important thing about life is what you live it for. We each have our life and a way we live it. It is important that in our particular situation we sense our duty or goal, and that we live true to ourselves to the very end.

IN learning, art, on the job, or in any field, it takes tremendous effort to become a first-rate individual. At times, you may have to put forth even tens of times the effort of those around you. If you lose the spirit of self-discipline, you will only fall into a cycle of complaint and criticism, failing to create any value or whatsoever.

EACH of you has been solemnly entrusted by the original Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin, with the realisation of kosen-rufu in your area in the 21st century. Please create a splendid and glorious history in the land of your mission.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


19th November

NO matter how many cowardly, crafty, dishonest, irresponsible and spiritually weak people you assemble, you cannot accomplish anything of value. All it takes is a single individual – a single individual earnestly striving in the field of his or her mission and is prepared to accept full responsibility for it. Such a person will be the foundation from which the flames of the victory of justice will burn bright and spread forever.

WE can understand neither faith nor life through theory or logic alone. Life is not an abstraction. It has to be lived and experienced. It is the history we write through our real-life efforts and struggles.

FROM my youth I have survived every conceivable kind of struggle, I have faced one test after another, I have steeled myself harder and harder. That is why I am afraid of nothing now. Nothing shakes me. I am never defeated. I have learned that harsh Buddhist practice is necessary to produce a person of true faith.

LIFE is occasioned by various hardships and difficulties. However, it is only by overcoming difficulties that we can leave behind a brilliant history and attain greatness as human beings. If life were all smooth sailing and we had neither hardships nor obstacles to contend with, then how could we polish ourselves? How could our activities in life constitute a "practice"?

READING the gosho and deeply absorbing its supreme philosophy of life will enable you to expand and deepen the scope of your own precious existence. Reading the gosho consistently throughout your life will create an excellent foundation for your existence and become the great cause for achieving tremendous growth in faith.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


18th November

I believe the time has come when you will be introducing Buddhism to eminent scholars, scientists and others. If you are going to be able to give convincing explanations on such occasions, it is absolutely vital that you master the Buddhist teachings.

IT is important to live long but how you live is even more important than how long you live. Did you accomplish your goals?

THOSE who continue struggling are great. There is no such thing as "retiring" in life. This is all the more true in the world of faith. Our faith should not be affected by our having reached retirement age or having grown advanced in years. Buddhism is strict. The path of mentor and disciple is strict. The lives of those who wage an unremitting struggle in faith are most sublime.

ORDINARILY, most people probably assume that doing evil is worse than simply not doing good. Not doing evil, but not doing any good either - this is how most people in the modern age lives. But SGI First President Makiguchi argued that not to do good is the same as doing evil.

NOVEMBER – our founding month is a month of creating new history. It is also a month in which courageous, self-reliant champions of justice rise purposefully into action. Kosen-rufu is a process of endless creativity and forward movement that does not permit even a moment’s cessation or stagnation. Our founding month lives on forever in the present because our victory at each moment, right now, contributes to “founding” an ever-victorious SGI that will solidly endure the next 50, next 100 years.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


17th November

IF we neglect gongyo, the foundation for attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime, we cannot summon up life-force, and lose our qualification as followers of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth.

THE expression of a person who is engaged in a struggle is different from others. His eyes shine with a beautiful light. His inner satisfaction is naturally revealed in his external appearance, and his face takes an expression of ineffable refinement. You, too, are fighting. Your example is noble as you devote yourselves to the spiritual struggle for kosen-rufu.

HAPPINESS is ultimately determined by our “heart” of faith. If we have the heart to develop harmony among fellow members and the heart to prove justice by thoroughly fighting against evil, we will increasingly accumulate good fortune. On the contrary, if we have the heart to destroy the unity of itai doshin (many in body, one in mind) among believers, the heart that harbours doubts or cowardly avoids struggles, we will only ruin our good fortune.

WE who devote our lives to kosen-rufu remain forever youthful - our lives are un-aging. Brimming with powerful life force, we know no deadlock. Throughout eternity, we vigorously pursue the path of our mission - our lives are undying. There is no deadlock in this faith.

A person's true worth is measured by the extent to which they live in the present while giving thought to the distant future, a hundred years, a thousand years hence. Please be assured that all of your commendable daily efforts will give rise to eternal good fortune and benefit, protecting your families, bringing prosperity to your communities and becoming the source for peace around the world.

OUR movement for kosen-rufu is a noble enterprise to put the Buddhist philosophy of the sanctity of life into practice in all areas of society. Let us take pride in advancing on the leading edge of the times.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


16th November

ACTIVITIES for kosen-rufu require enormous effort, but for that reason we can accumulate great benefits, not only for ourselves in the present but also for ourselves into the future. Therefore, to pass up the opportunity to take on this struggle would be our infinite loss.

THERE is no more joyous realm than the world of faith. Chanting daimoku is the key to attaining genuine happiness and fulfilment at the most fundamental level of lives. Worldly pleasures provide momentary satisfaction destined only to fade and disappear. They are shallow and mere illusions.

IF our faith is weak, poison remains poison within us. But if our faith is strong, any poison, no matter how virulent, will be transformed into beneficial medicine. Therefore, I hope all of you will have utmost confidence. The greater our misery, the happier we will become. The one who suffers most will be happiest in the end. Such are the workings of the Mystic Law. Such is the immense power of the unfathomable Law of life.

EACH of us possesses the sure right to be truly happy. Another word for this right is faith. Therefore, if you discard or retreat in your faith, you abandon your "right" to become happy. Please become a winner in life as you maintain your right to happiness.

I declare that within the fighting spirit for kosen-rufu, there is faith in accord with the intentions of the original Buddha. It is not a matter of outward appearances or of social rank. It is our thoughts and actions that count.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


15th November

PROBLEMS come in all shapes and sizes. With daimoku, you can turn all these worries and concerns into fuel to propel you forward - you can transform them into life force, into greater depth of character, and into good fortune.

NICHIREN DAISHONIN wrote, "An inconspicuous deed will produce a conspicuous benefit." (MW 2, p. 274) When you exert yourself for the Law, for others, for your friends, all your effort will return to you as benefit. In the world of kosen-rufu, the person who does even the smallest, most inconspicuous thing with utmost sincerity and energy will always be adorned with the greatest happiness. This is the teaching of Buddhism and the essence of faith.

LIFE is a drama. Since we are going to perform on the stage of life anyway, we ought to live vigorously and joyfully, and enact an inspiring drama of successive victories. We have to win in life. We have to win in society. We have to win a resounding victory for kosen-rufu.

EVERYTHING is part of the world of the Buddhist Law. The manifestations of the Law of the Buddha are not limited or restricted in any way. The Buddhist Law is to be found in every aspect and detail of human society. The activities of the SGI, based on Buddhism, to promote culture, peace and education are based on this spirit.

STUDY and discussion meetings are the two greatest pillars of Soka Gakkai. President Toda stated that “understanding gives rise to faith and faith seeks understanding, which in turn, deepens faith. Deepening one’s faith deepens one’s understanding”. Please reflect once again on the pure spirit of practice carried out by the pioneers of our movement who studied the Gosho and deepened their faith as they fought for kosen-rufu.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


14th November

WHEN you base yourself upon the unchanging prime point of faith directed towards kosen-rufu, all of your troubles and efforts will turn into boundless joy, and you will establish a magnificent state of life as the original state of Buddhahood begins to pulsate within you. Therefore, although you may meet various difficulties, you must never give up your faith.

IN any battle, the enemy always look strong if you are cowardly. In most cases, it is not that the enemy is mighty and the struggle daunting, but it seems so that way because you are weak hearted. On the other hand, you must not be overconfident either. The first step towards victory is to wisely comprehend the true nature of your enemy.

THE Daishonin stresses the importance of behaviour, of taking action. Therefore, rather than sitting around alone, doing nothing, we must endeavour to reach out to others. That is how we polish and refine our characters. This is the practice of a Buddhist.

PROPAGATION must always take place in the context of deepening friendship and earning the trust of others. Today we live in an age where there are superficial discussions, but lacking in true dialogue. Propagating Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, however, is a true dialogue; a stimulating sharing, based on consideration and concern for our friends, as we invite them to walk with us on the path of true and complete happiness.

Naturally, there may be times when, due to work commitments, members will be unable to participate in SGI activities. Those who are self-employed also faced incredible hardships. As fellow members, we should be understanding of what these individuals are going through. To rally around a struggling member, supporting them with our prayers, our encouragement and our warm acceptance – this is the harmonious realm of humanity of the SGI.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


13th November

BUDDHIST practice means never coming to a standstill. We have to cultivate a self that absolutely no negative influence can sway. What matters is winning in the end; the wins and losses along the way are of secondary significance. It is final victory in life that counts, and that is the reason for our Buddhist practice.

LOOKING to others will not help. True happiness and victory are found in creating our own goals, working towards them and attaining them - and in being satisfied with our achievements and having no regrets.

TO people who acts lawlessly, ignoring reason, those who uphold principles seem to be wrong. Such a person is like someone who tilts his/her head sideways to look at the world and then decides everything but himself/herself is crooked.

WE are all common mortals. Therefore, we may sometimes lose sight of the correct way to eternal happiness. However, you should never make any mistake about following the fundamental principle of Nichiren Daishonin's true Buddhism and carrying out the basis of faith, practice and study towards the accomplishment of kosen-rufu.

IT is vital to continually breathe fresh air and inject fresh energy into our organisation, which is dedicated to widely propagating the teachings of Buddhism. Each of our members has a profound mission for kosen-rufu. How can we enable them to bring forth their true potential? How can we best advance kosen-rufu in a way that protects everyone and bring them joy? It is the responsibility of the leaders to concentrate their energies on these points and work hard behind the scenes to support their fellow members.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.


12th November

WE need to strive daily to build and expand our connections with people based on Buddhism, sowing the “seeds of the Mystic Law” and the “seeds of victory” in their hearts. These seeds will assuredly blossom as “flowers of peace and happiness” that fill the new century with exquisite fragrance.

THE SGI has always placed the highest value on people of true sincerity. Faithfulness will always be met in kind, and doubled. This is the attitude of a person with religious faith, his path as a human being. The mind of true faith – we value that mind. From that conviction, trust and good fortune grow, deepen and spread.

NO one is an island unto himself or herself. We can only uncover and reveal our wonderful potential when we have many good people around us - trusted friends who support us and respected seniors to whom we can turn to for sound advice. For this reason, please cultivate wisdom. This is the purpose of faith. Do not forget the importance of practising with the SGI, an organisation of harmonious family.

THE more difficulties we encounter, the more we can deepen our faith. This is the way Buddhism works. So, should we find ourselves in circumstances worse than any we could have imagined, we must courageously challenge them head on. This spirit and the actions we actually take towards this end are linked to attaining Buddhahood. To those who live in accord with this Mystic Law, sufferings are benefits, difficulties are happiness. There can be no unhappiness in life.

REMEMBER that sincere and courteous words express your own humanity and show the highest regard for the other person as an individual.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.